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Parenting and Baby Advice and Tips Archive

REALLY bad day!
Here they are, Teagan's party pics - **Warning, alot**
1st phase of Kylie's room done
Thanksgiving dinner side dishes!
Got a text from Ally (MoonMama)
Both parties were a huge success!
Yeah that worked well.
How ROMANTIC are you? - something fun for this board
I can not believe this happened!
I babysat Alexis last night
Baby Nora's website
Mystery Parent!!
Rough few months ahead..
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!! - Everyone is alseep!
once again here - miscarriage mentioned
Ugh! Whatever. Here.
Speaking of CIO
little update & 2 pics
Honeymoon Dilemma
family visit pending - 2 wks
Shaving Cream!
My baby went to Heaven today
Easter Birthday! - Happy Birthday Crystal (Cece00)
Am I being selfish? - lack of xmas gifts
9 week belly pics
Not sure where to put this
Checking in after a long hiatus
I wonder where my sister is? - tammyhopkins
Those that have had adenoids taken out - Talk to me...
Sharing some wedding pics - 2 years ago today
WWYD - dishwasher?
Happy Birthday Rod - Happy Birthday
side dish ideas
Do you ever - (stupid post..stupid post)
ummmm... help - religious post
It's a boy!! - ad he came home with mama!!
How much to spend on birthday party gift?
Chicken Nuggets
Anyone own a telescope?
ok, we need a poll - insults
Raygens Test Results
petty feelings?
Could use some p&pt's - already
TLCDad is sick
update on lars and myself
The Monica Inspired Survey
D&C question
Dog owners - Q about clipping nails
pillow fight!!!!!!

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