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Thanksgiving dinner side dishes!

luvbug00 wrote: So we are making this weekend an early thanksgiving and so I need side dishs help!!! new stuffing resapees welcome! and anything else!

remember no peaches, apples ( nuts, I can work around for mya but apples are more dangerous to her right now)

THANKS!!!!!! thumb.gif

CantWait replied: I made sweet pototoes in a pan with brown sugar this time around. It turned out pretty good.

Boil sweet potatoes till they are soft.
Squish in a pan with butter, top with brown sugar.
Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until top is crispy.

It's like candy on top of the sweet potatoes.

ediep replied: for our thanksgiving sides we have....mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, salad, green beans

oohh, I can't wait!! I soooooo hope I am not in the hospital having the baby for Thanksgiving!!

luvbug00 replied: thanks ladies! sounds yummy. anyone else??
BUMP! bump.gif

kimberley replied: garlic mashed potatoes
honey glazed carrots
peaches and cream corn
spring mix salad with cranberry vinegarette
stuffing (sorry i buy box stuff blush.gif)
wild mushroom rice
warm rolls

that's all i can think of. i want thanksgiving again! LOL

JanetH replied: what about potatoe salad?

Rolls that you just brown and serve, mashed potatoes and gravy. Hmmmmmmm........ I am just thinking what we have for dinner on Thanksgiving. Can't wait, yummy.

Any how many different people make their potatoe salad different.

We just cut the peeling off cut them into cubes, boil them til soft.

Cut green onions in about 1/4 inch length and cut pickles into cubes (you can use as much or as little as you want) and then add mayonaise, probably about 3-4 tablespoons and about 1 tablespoon of mustard and then salt to taste.

quinnandjacob'smom replied: We have:

sweet potatoes
mashed potatoes

Just your basics, I guess!

TANNER'S MOM replied: green bean casserole
baked beans
Deviled eggs
corn on the cobb

coasterqueen replied: Our thanksgiving dinner sides are:

Homemade chicken and noodle yummy.gif yummy.gif
Mashed potatoes
Homemade mac n' cheese (per my request tongue.gif )
Green beans
Sweet potatoes
Cranberry sauce
Variety of salads
Deviled eggs
2 kinds of dressing - 1 with the gizzards, etc in it - YUCK! and another w/o it in there made especially for me - my mom is great. tongue.gif
Honey glazed carrots

Ok, I think that's it. Some family bring other things, that I can't think of at the moment. We have a huge family to feed. biggrin.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: here is my list of items we are having

Mashed patotes
sweet patatoes
cranberries (caned stuff, its my favorite)
glazed carrotts
cottage cheese

I think thats it.....

luvmykids replied: Mashed potatoes
Sweet potatos, kind of like Marie's but a little different
Green bean casserole
Zuchinni, squash, tomatoes and chili
Boxed stuffing blush.gif
Cranberries-I cook them in sugar and orange juice, if you want the specifics I'll give it to you
Pumpkin, pecan, and mince meat pies

Then later, if all that wasn't enough, we have tamales and posole biggrin.gif

AngieS replied: I know I am late on this conversation but does anyone have a great recipe for cranberry gravy? I made turkey ravoli for the first time but don't know what kind of sauce to serve with it. Any suggestions?

BtB2006 replied: I love cranberries, but I've not heard of cranberry gravy. I DO have a recipe for cranberry butter (like apple butter) that's really good if anyone's interested. wink.gif

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