Speaking of CIO
BabyOwen427 wrote: How young is too young to let them CIO? And how long do you let them cry? I think I am ready to let ds CIO but I am not sure if he is old enough to yet.
gr33n3y3z replied: over a year old
moped replied: 18 pounds or 4 months is what I have heard
PrairieMom replied: my idiots guide to sleep training your infant book says not before 6 months. but I'm not that far into it yet, so I don't know for sure. I think we started Ben at 5 months.
CantWait replied: There's an actual weight limit???
moped replied: The reason there is a weight limit because after 188 lbs they dom't need to eat in the night....but that is only MY knowledge of CIO
Our Lil' Family replied: I started letting him CIO during the night after he had already slept through the night several times, because I KNEW he could go all night. I think that was at about 6 months or so and we didn't have to do it very long at all.
Now we started letting him CIO to fall asleep at 4 months. I'm not sure which you were asking about.
moped replied: I meant to say 18 pounds!
jacobsmama replied: Agreed!
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Andrew was around 4 months I think when we let him cry himself to sleep at bedtime. It took him about 10 minutes before he fell asleep for a couple nights and then he didn't cry when I put him in bed. I'd still go to him when he woke up in the middle of the night, but he'd been sleeping through the night most nights since he was about a week old. We had to do it over when he was eight months old because I'd started bringing him to bed with me when he was sick and teething and he got used to being with us.
BabyOwen427 replied: Hey thanks for the great responses. I thought we might be getting closer to the norm for CIO. I am ready, but dh is always there to bring him to our bed when he fusses, so it looks like I have two boys to train
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Naomie turned 1 at the end of October... and we're doing it all at the same time...she's breastfed, so I'm weaning her too. It's not like she needs to breastmilk for nutrition, she's a very healthy eater otherwise...
DH's cousins started letting their kids CIO as soon as they slept through tht enight the first time. They figure since they did it once, they're obviously capable... their first child it was as of 3 weeks, their second child was as of 2 1/2 months.
I wouldn't do it though until you know that the child is just doing it for comfort as opposed to doing it for the needed nutrition.
luvmykids replied: I did it once they were eating about 8 ozs consistently, in my kids' cases it was a gut feeling that they were eating enough to hold them over. When they woke up at night I waited and listened for the difference between fussing and actual hunger crying before I decided wether or not to go in.
holley79 replied: The only time I go for it is when I have nursed Annika, knows she dry and just fighting sleep. Usually our cry sessions last about 2 minutes tops. Past the two to 4 minute mark I cave and go get her.
Boo&BugsMom replied: I let Tanner CIO by the time he was 3 months old. How long? Not sure. It really depended on the situation and what it was for.
Kaitlin'smom replied: my only comment is make sure both of you are ready for it other wise it wont work.