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Mystery Parent!!

kimberley wrote: It is time to start guess who our mystery parent is! Post your questions here smile.gif

Remember to confine your answers to "yes" or "no" questions and nothing that is revealing (like age, location, names etc).

Have fun! thumb.gif

kimberley replied: Do you work at home?

jdkjd replied: Do you have a tattoo?

Boys r us replied: are you pregnant?

kit_kats_mom replied: Are you married?

MomToMany replied: Is your hair brown?

coasterqueen replied: Is your eye color green?

amynicole21 replied: Do you have more than one child?

DansMom replied: Can you sew?

MommyToAshley replied: Are you crafty?

My2Beauties replied: Are you a SAHM mommy?

Kaitlin'smom replied: do you have siblings?

redchief replied: Are your ears pierced?

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Are you engaged?

Zoe'sMommaCamie replied: do you live in a big city ?

p.s. what is a mystery parent ? unsure.gif

paradisemommy replied: are you a man? biggrin.gif

kit_kats_mom replied:
oooohhhhhhh! Good one! LOL

MomToJade&Jordan replied: Do you have female children?

kimberley replied:
this is too revealing since we have so few males on the board. sorry.

kimberley replied:
here is a link to the description of the game smile.gif

mystery parent replied: Yes

redchief replied: Do you use cloth diapers?

kimberley replied: are you nursing?

MommyToAshley replied: Do you want a big family?

ediep replied: do you co-sleep?

ediep replied: are your children all over age 3?

redchief replied: Do you wear earrings?

momof2girls replied: Do you post alot?

3_call_me_mama replied: DO you have any male children?

Josie83 replied: When are we allowed to make a guess? I think its Kirsten (CJs MOM) xx

kimberley replied:
you can guess whenever you think you know who it is. (just not listing everyone on the board rolleyes.gif rolling_smile.gif ) and your guess is incorrect. tongue.gif keep trying thumb.gif

mystery parent replied: Yes

jdkjd replied: I guess Kimberly!

My2Beauties replied: Is it Boys R Us??

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I guess heavenly 1970 unsure.gif

kimberley replied:
haha! no, it's not me. in fact, i am not even on the list blush.gif plus, i have one kid under 3yo and i am still nursing wink.gif try again smile.gif

kimberley replied:
try again tongue.gif

kimberley replied:
nope, try again wacko.gif rolling_smile.gif

ediep replied: I guess 3littleladies

amynicole21 replied: Is it loveydad? dunno.gif

kimberley replied:
nope. keep asking questions so you get a better idea who it is thumb.gif

kimberley replied:
try again biggrin.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Do you have more than one son?

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Do you have more than one daughter?

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I guess redchief


DansMom replied: Do you have any pets?

jdkjd replied: Does your hair go past your shoulders (in length)?

DansMom replied: If you were about to leave the house right now, would you put a jacket on?

MommyToAshley replied: Have you been married for over 5 years?

mystery parent replied:

mystery parent replied: Way to go maddie&ethansmom!!!

MomToMany replied: This is such a cool game! I can't wait for the next one!

My2Beauties replied: Yeah go Maddie and Ethan's mom!!! That was fun!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: redbounce.gif laugh.gif WOOHOOO!!! I GOT IT!!! redbounce.gif laugh.gif

MomToJade&Jordan replied: Wow ! WTG Aimee!!!!! thumb.gif So what do we do now? Can we just starting asking redcheif questions ?

kimberley replied:
yup smile.gif there is a parent spotlight thread pinned at the top of the forum. ask away!

Zoe'sMommaCamie replied: Aww I missed the games! lol

but now i have a better understanding about the whole process ! wink.gif

Good Job Aimee biggrin.gif

A&A'smommy replied: Sorry I missed out everyone I hope to join in next time WTG Aimee!!! redbounce.gif

Josie83 replied: Well done Aimee! or should we call you Agatha Christie wink.gif emlaugh.gif xx

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