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Could use some p&pt's - already

Mom2Boyz wrote: Well, after my 9 possitive hpts, I went to the dr today for a blood test. The nurse called me this afternoon, and said that my hcg is only 72 sad.gif I was figuring that I should be about 6 weeks along, and if that's the case I'm probably going to have a m/c. Hopefully I just ovulated WAY later and it's just really early. I don't go back until next Monday though for another hcg check, so I'm going to be driving myself crazy until then!!!!! I've already been through 1 m/c and It was awful!! I don't want to do it again. The nurse also told me that I should try to wean Conner within the next few days to UP my chances of carrying this baby. I just don't know what to do. We could definatly use some p&pt's.

Sunflower04 replied: Sorry to hear your news. Hopefully they are incorrect and your baby is going to be fine. I will keep in you my thoughts.

kimberley replied: oh Amy, i am so sorry you have to go through this. my thoughts and prayers are with you. grouphug.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: I will keep you in my thoughts

ediep replied: oh, I hope evrything turns out to be ok.

coasterqueen replied: ((HUGS)) I would DEMAND to be seen earlier than that. That's just ridiculous for you to have to wait. It's a simple blood test that you can get at a lab and then they can call you with the results.

Second nursing has NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with whether you can carry a child...NOTHING. I had one doc tell me that and every doc I've talked to since that said that is INACCURATE information. So your doc is doing an injustice by telling you that. I'd ask for proof on that one ;-)

My p&pt's are coming your way. grouphug.gif

A&A'smommy replied: LOTS of P&PT'S your way (and baby beans way too!)!!!! I hope you don't have to wean Conner I'm sure that is not what you want!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Amy you are in my prayers! Please keep us posted! I hope everything is fine. grouphug.gif

mama3x replied: You know, I hate it when people in the medical field tell you to wean ASAP so you may carry your baby to term. This early in the game, BFing is NOT going to affect your uinborn...jeez!

I wish you the best and hope that all turns out the way you're hoping!

MommyToAshley replied: Oh Amy, I am sorry you are going through all of this and have to wait so long to find out what is going on. I will keep you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers. grouphug.gif Please keep us posted!

Josie83 replied: My htoughts and prayers are with you Amy . . . I hope everything's okay. Please let us know when you can xx

Kirstenmumof3 replied: grouphug.gif I'm sorry you have to go through this waiting! I hope everything works out for you! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! grouphug.gif

MomToMany replied: Amy, I hope everything is fine. And ITA with Karen; there's no need to wean Conner.

I would raise a stink and demand to get another test sooner than that.

((((((HUGS))))))! I'm praying for you and baby bean!

Littlejojames replied: So sorry that your going though this.

As much P&P's coming your way which i can send

coasterqueen replied: Amy,

I hope you get to go get a blood test earlier to ease your mind. If anything go see a general practioner or go see an urgent care to get the blood test. ((HUGS))

~Roo'sMama~ replied: grouphug.gif I hope everything is ok!! grouphug.gif

heavenly_1970 replied: I am definately sending many P&PT's your way!! I would NOT start weaning Connor until I looked up all the info I could...and even maybe a second opinion! Please stay relaxed and try not to worry too much. If you need anything, you know we are all here for you! grouphug.gif

3xsthefun replied: You will in my thougts & prayers. I hope that everything works out fine for you.

paradisemommy replied: lots of p&pts coming your way - please let us know how you are... grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

A&A'smommy replied: Hey Amy I know you just posted this yesterday but I was wondering if you had an update. (((HUGS))) DId you try to get an earlier app.?

Mom2Boyz replied: Thanks everyone!!!! I"m trying to stay positive wub.gif
I called my dr office back, and she insists that I wait until next Monday. I'm going to call a different dr tomorrow and see if they will order another test. The dr that I went to when I was pg with Conner isn't there anymore, so I may just see about switching offices all together. I'll let you all know as soon as I find something out.

Jamison'smama replied: Sending prayers and positive thoughts--Hope you get an earier appointment--that does seem like a long wait--especially over a weekend!!! I agree---no need to wean. My doc didn't even suggest weaning until I was 20 weeks along and then it was just a suggestion.

Keeping you in my thoughts!

Lollie replied: Sorry to hear that...sending lots of prayers and thoughts your way....Pls keep us posted.


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