D&C question
abunky wrote: not sure if i can post this ? here....well i had my D&C done, but now i'm having heavy bleeding and major cramping afterwords ,almost like a heavy period they gave me methergine for the bleeding, and lortab for the pain to help , has anyone had this problem or does it differ with every women..thanks
mommy~to~a~bunch replied: I had a non-M/C D&C done, and I had NO cramping & minimal bleeding afterwards. I've joked to DH that I think the doctor sucked out my uterus since I didn't have ANY cramping afterwards. I was prepared to be miserable for like a week.
Sam & Abby's Mom replied: I just had a d and c last tuesday. I was told to expect period like bleeding and cramping for a week or so. I guess lucked out because my bleeding and cramping was less than a period. I mean,, I was still slightly cramping as of yesterday,,but today at all. Still bleeding but its not a whole lot.
Did they give you pain pills for the cramping? they gave me some and I took them alot last week -- really helped, though.
abunky replied: well for the pain and cramping they gave me lortab ,and naproxin but i cant mix them , so i have to take one or the other
My2Beauties replied: I had a friend who had a D&C and she complained of horrible cramping and bleeding. It probably differs on the person.
Sam & Abby's Mom replied: I've never heard of lortab................... If I were you, I'd take the meds pretty regularly for awhile in order to avoid the pain.
How are you feeling today? Any better? I must say my D&C was much easier than the miscarriage I had partly on my own.
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I had a D&C with my first m/c and didn't have much cramping or bleeding at all. I am guessing that it depends on the person.
redchief replied: Lisa's had a couple of those, but I don't recall what happened afterwards. I do remember that after a bit her female system (for lack of a better phrase) stabilized.
abunky replied: lortab is hydrocodone , i'm doing better today bleeding is not as heavy and the cramping is slowing down
Sam & Abby's Mom replied: oooh, I'd think the hydrocodone would kick butt. Glad you are feeling better. I guess it just varies from person to person.
Hang in there, girl !!
jacobsmama replied:
Bleeding and cramping are normal but how often are you changing a pad? Does the meds help the cramping? Do you have a fever? Is the cramping one sided?
I could tell you a little more if I knew those things.
abunky replied: at first i was changing my pad every 2 hrs ,it would be saturated but now its every 4-5 and not so bad..the cramping is everywhere not in just one particular area , the meds do help with the cramping but being doped up all day makes me feel blah! so thats wheni take the naproxen so i'm not so high LOL , no fever but the day after my procedure i had the chills realy bad and felt weak , but i dont have them anymore, they did give me an antibiotic to help keep any infections away...