ok, we need a poll - insults
cameragirl21 wrote: ok, they're all offensive but what would bother you the MOST. i chose boring because i am definitely an original and can't imagine anyone being bored with me. second after that would be phony because i'm a little too sincere for my own good and then after that would be stupid because no one who knows me would ever call me stupid. i'd not like to be called ugly or selfish but those i could live with much more so than the others. and you?
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Stupid. I would hate to be called/considered stupid.
DansMom replied: Stupid!
I have actually taught Daniel to think it's a bad word. He's not allowed to use that word.
I would agree that I'm sometimes ugly, sometimes boring, sometimes phony and sometimes selfish, so I would ignore those. Stupid would hurt.
Calimama replied: I voted for stupid!
gr33n3y3z replied: I put selfish bc that is one thing I'm not or never would be so that would be an insult to me
Boo&BugsMom replied: Stupid here as well. I've always been sensitive about that to be honest.
TheOaf66 replied: my vote was boring, I could never be accused of any of the others
C&K*s Mommie replied: I voted phony. There are times that I have to be be a little fake, such as putting on a smile when I really do not want to. But overall I am who I am- not a phony at all.
luvbug00 replied: ( my Bono moment)
I say selfish because i drop everything to help other people. all the time! i would be throughly insulted.
MoonMama replied: I voted stupid...nothing upsets me more then when I hear someone call someone stupid. That one just really gets my gord.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Neither. I don't give a hoot if someone thinks i'm any of those... because I don't.
Old Mom Hubbard replied: I do not like the word Stupid at all, and find it very offensive. EVERYONE has their strengths and weaknesses. That word would offend me the most, then phony. I do not like being called a phony as there is nothing phony about me. No reason to be I am too old! Maybe in high school or Junior High School, where who was NOT a phony at one time or another (trying to fit in with a crowd) so tried different clothing styles (even though maybe not comfortable those that one wanted to fit in with dressing like those?) anyway...
Selfish, that too would hurt my feelings. I would give the shirt off of my own back if I thought it could help someone in need (but likely be arrested for indecent exposure!) I leave too large of tips at restaraunts I have been told, but if the service was great, and the waitress/waiter put on a happy face even though likely sore feet and other things going on too, then they work very hard for their little income and those tips really help them get through.
Ugly, ONLY WHEN STUCK BEHIND A TOO SLOW CAR IN THE FAST LANE OF THE FREEWAY!!! And I am not talking just too slow, I mean like 55 in a 65 to 70 MPH Signed freeway and they are in the fast lane!!! I get ugly when I do not understand the individual just may be too old or scared and not know what to do (then my thoughts turn ugly about lovely zappers that could move them on off the road...) I try NOT to let rude people shoving in lines get to me. Maybe they are more in a hurry than I...
Boring? Yes, I can be so if someone calls me boring-well, if I am quietly reading a book, I say, "Well, you see me quietly reading a book, but OH the thoughts in my head!" Now there is some amazing excitment there!"
Really though, the bad word, stupid. NOBODY is stupid although we all do things that are done without thinking right? Or we forget silly things such as where we placed our car keys and need to leave and cannot find them...but stupid...not a nice word...And I see I have typed quite a mini-novel here! So supper time here and so I shall sign off and wish you all a wonderful evening.
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I voted stupid and like Daniel, Jade has been told it's a bad word. If I use it she tells me so. What a horrible thing to be called.
Selfish would be a close second.
redchief replied: I chose phony. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm beyond trying to impress anyone with my looks. I know I'm not stupid, so while I understand how mean a word that is, I would find it irrelevant to me. I'm guilty of being boring at times, but not because I'm uninteresting; more like because I"m tired. Though I'm occasionally selfish, it's self-righteous selfishness.
I would be most offended by being called phony, because I strive to always be real.
McKenna replied: You missed out an option of not being offended.
TBH i completely take no notice of any insults sent my way. Unless they continue to wind me up and then I'm likely to lose my temper and get really arsey, but thats anger not due to be being offended lol.
luvmykids replied: Ditto!
MotherForever2043 replied: I voted....ugly. It hurts so much to hear someone call you that.
JadensMama05 replied: Stupid.. being called stupid sets me off in a way no other insult does. I admit I have my dumb moments but I'm not stupid. That is one thing that Garred will NEVER say to me.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: None of them. I know I've been all of those things a time or two in my lifetime. It wouldn't offend me if someone else called me out on it. I'm only human.