9 week belly pics
Mommy2BAK wrote: Okay seriously.... I think I must be having twins!!! Who show's at 9 weeks?
Mommy2BAK replied:
boyohboyohboy replied: ME! although I am on my third child. I thought the same thing. I am just waiting for that first ultrasound! how cute you look though!
Jackie012007 replied: I showed - but I'm fat to begin with!!!
cute little bump!!!
gr33n3y3z replied: you look GREAT!!!!!! Cute lil tummy
kimberley replied: you are adorable! love your belly!
Calimama replied: I showed at that stage as well. Cute belly!
3xsthefun replied: You have a cute little baby bump!
MoonMama replied: You have an adorable little baby bump.
CantWait replied: You're showing cause you're so TINY.
What a sweet little bump
TheOaf66 replied: don't worry Tamara, Jennie showed early too and it is our 2nd. I think it looks fine, you got the glow goin on
mummy2girls replied: your showing because your so small...
MotherForever2043 replied: I started showing @ 8 weeks! You're belly is so cute!
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: You look great Tamara! Cute belly
My2Beauties replied: Girl I showed this time too at around 9-10 weeks, you have an awesome body by the way...cute little tummy!
moped replied: OMG those are just too cute - you look so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A&A'smommy replied: awwww SOOO cute!!! You look amazing!!!
DillsMommy replied: Aww! Too cute!
gabriella replied: Oh, if only my belly looked so lovely. I'm 9 weeks too and my hubby had a giggle last night and said, "I looked amazing....and how had my belly gotten so big!?" He also said I looked 6 months already It's true, as soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I lost my waist-line and my stomach is so big and high. Like it's bulging under my bust already
Boo&BugsMom replied: Oh... me me me!!! I showed right away with this second one. The day we found out, my pants felt tight already! My first took forever to show. Your body knows what to do now and it's ahead of the game!
gabriella replied: Jennie,
Stop it, seriously you nearly made me wet myself
Since having such a large baby the first time, things haven't been the same since, and I can't laugh, sneeze or cough without having an accident
hopefulmomtobe replied: hey hey - easy on making fun of the 6 monther bellies. hee hee
Mommy2BAK replied: well I'm not even that big anymore and I'm 13 weeks. I've lost ten pounds from morning sickness.
blissfulecho replied: What a beautiful little belly you have! And no stretch marks, pfff you lucky duck!!! Hope the morning sickness comes to a quick halt!!
Danalana replied: Very cute! And I think my favorite thing is that it says "AF" on the side of your shorts