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Bob the Builder: Pets in a Pickle Video (2001)

Bob the Builder: Pets in a Pickle Video (2001) ImageSale Price: $16.98

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Bob the Builder: Pets in a Pickle Video (2001)
Bob the Builder and his friends are back with four more stories from the hit Nick Jr. television series. In "Pilchard in a Pickle" Pilchard the cat goes missing while everyone is busy laying pipe. In "Farmer Pickles' Pigpen" a garbled message makes Farmer Pickles think he's getting a shipment of piglets. In "Pilchard Goes Fishing" Wendy tries to clean Finn the Fish's tank, giving Pilchard the Cat an opportunity. And in "Roley's Tortoise" Roley almost runs over a tortoise, whom he renames Timmy. Parents and preschoolers will both love the adventures of Bob and his friends, as they work and have fun as a team. Age: 2,3,4,5,6 Manufacturer: New Sound Music

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