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Antworks Habitat by Fascinations

Antworks Habitat by Fascinations ImageSale Price: $19.99

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Antworks Habitat by Fascinations
AntWorksT by Fascinations is based on a 2003 NASA Space Shuttle experiment to study animal life in space and test how ants successfully tunnel in microgravity. The AntWorksT Gel is complete with nutrients to promote healthy growth in the new colony. Watch ants live, work and tunnel in the nutritious and non-toxic gel as they create series upon series of intricate tunnels. Easy to care for - Ants need NO food or water. Features: Magnifying Glass Extreme Zoom Lens Ant Catching/Tunnel Starter Tool Instruction Booklet with Interesting Facts About Ants Dim 6.5"L x 5.5"W x 1.25"D Ages: 5,6,7,8,9,10 Manufacturer: Fascinations

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