need allergy help again - could it be?
boyohboyohboy wrote: ok, Jake has had tons of food issues as I have posted before, but I have noticed he has a runny nose for about 5 months now, on and off. I know kids get TONS of colds, so I keep wondering if its just one cold after another, because there are short periods of relief..... how ever he is cranky, and his appetite has been down for about two weeks now, he is only eating a few bites now and then, and pretty much surviving on pediasure. now what I wonder is, could this be a milk reaction? He tested only slightly reactive to that..and has tolerated it well. no other symptoms.
when he does eat a good meal, his dispostion is so much better, so most of the time i think he is rather hungry,but refusing to eat.
I kinda am kicking myself for letting them cancel the GI consult we had scheduled in Jan....but I really dont have any definative symptoms.
also since its cold and supper dry in our house, could the runny nose be due to the dry air? I started using the little noses spray today to see if that helps.
any one else with a kiddo with a chronic runny nose?
lisar replied: Lexi was diagnosed with Hay Fever. She is on Claritan and Rhinocort every day. She had the same symptons it just seemed to me like she was getting a cold every other week. But come to find out it was her sinuses. (sp?) And every since they put her on this she hasnt had any problems. The dark circles around her eyes went away she sleeps better and no more runny nose. I also put a plastic sheet on her bed and pillow and took most of the stuffed animals out of her room. The dr recommed it cause they are one of the number one reasons kids have allergies.
It made a huge diffrence in her. I would talk to the dr about it.
boyohboyohboy replied: I wondered about sinuses, and sinus infection actually, not to be gross, but is the runny nose, clear? sometimes he has a slight green drainage when he wakes but it clears by afternoon..
DansMom replied: I feel like I ought to be a food allergy expert by now, but I still get just as confused about these things as the next guy---especially since Daniel doesn't have any mild reactions, so with those symptoms I'm inexperienced. I've read that undetected mild milk (or other) allergies can lead to chronic congestion and ear infections. If he were just a little bit older it would be easier to do an elimination for 5 days to see if it helps.
flirtycuddle replied: My ds is 7 months now and only showed a mild milk allergy but the allergist said to avoid all milk and soy. Truthfully he had alot of the symptoms your son is having except he also had a really bad rash to go with it. We took out all food and are just on formula for now but I would pull the dairy for 2 weeks at least and see if you see an improvement. I was told reactions trump test any day. I say 2 weeks cuz that is how long I was told it can take to get all dairy out espically if he gets it everyday or mulitple times a day.
redchief replied: I have a runny nose all the time. It's attributed to my being allergic to nearly all seasonal allergens.
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: I'm still pretty clueless about all of this, since we're just now going through it...but could it be dust mites? Wil got tested yesterday and he was negative. I try and clean his pillow and sheets all the time though, plus wash all the stuffed animals on his shelf. Or it sounds like the milk. DH gets super phlegm when he has even the tiniest bit of dairy. Chronic drainage. So he avoids it completely. Hot water and lemon helps him. Maybe try that.
DansMom replied: Come to think of it, when we got rid of the stuffed animals and rugs, Daniel's chronic sniffles greatly improved.
boyohboyohboy replied: you know its funny, but after posting this his nose seemed to get better....but I was wondering, how do you know what to ask to get tested for. I mean there must be billions of things to get the skin prick test for, how does the allergiest pick which ones? and is it up to the parent to ask. Jakes allergist, did the intitial testing, 8 pricks, but has not asked us to return for further testing. I have suspected he does have other allergies. and wondered if maybe this was just to young to put him thru it.
flirtycuddle replied: Our allerigst just tested the top 6 things and then did a control and a histimine. DS tested positive to all of it and then ordered a RAST to see just how high they are. I know our allergist tests for what is in the diet that we might see some common reaction to. Never done enviromental though. I know a RAST can test for a zillion things and then from there try and pin point the actual culprit. Did your ds have a RAST? If not I would ask the allergist just to see if he is reacting to something with out having to do a zillion SPT.
sunrosejenn replied: I would say a combination of chronic sinusitis and allergies. Eliana had a runny nose, congestion, cough for pretty much a year. She no longer eats soy, dairy, gluten or wheat. She had her adenoids removed in Jan 07. She has not had a runny nose or sinus infection since Jan 4th.
DansMom replied: Yeah, our allergist won't test for environmental stuff yet, and also has been conservative with the food testing. As far as the environmental stuff goes, we know that he reacts to stuff in fall and spring (mold we think), and he has been prescribed an antihistamine for bad days. The most common culprits indoors are dustmites. Getting rid of dustmites involved washing bedding often, at high temps, and getting rid of rugs and stuffed animals in his room. For beloved stuffed animals that you can't wash in a machine, you can give them a good run through a hot dryer instead.