infant carrier - baby bjorn???
ediep wrote: ok, so I was thinking of getting one of those baby bjorn infant carrier things, for the spring since we'll be at the park, boardwalk, aquarium etc....but they are sooooo expensive. There are tons of other brands that are much cheaper..... snugli, evenflo,
anyway, I was wondering if they are worth the money, especially since Emma is already over 14 pounds and 4 months old.... should I get a cheaper one? Is it gross to buy one off ebay?
MyBlueEyedBabies replied: honestly at that weight I would skip the bjorn and go with a Mei Tai or something of that sort. With the Bjorn they are great until about 15 pounds then they just feel so heavy.
Oh yeah...the bjorn is more expensive than the other carriers of the type because it's that much better than the others.
kimberley replied: i hated the infant carriers and actually got someone to make me a sling. much more comfy and only cost like $20. if you google slings/pouches you should find lots. many moms make them for a bit of $$.
ediep replied: thanks ladies, i don't think i want a sling.... thats the thing that she would lay in, right? I want it for when she is awake and wanting to see whats going on, instead of holding her. If she is sleeping, I'd use her stroller
I found a few on ebay that are new, and only about $40-50, if I don't get it, maybe i'll looking into something else
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Wesley is a little over 17 lbs and much too hard to get in the Bjorn. I tried it this morning and finally gave up and threw it in the car. I also have a sling type, which also isn't that easy IMO, but I guess I'm just not comfortable with carriers period. What about just buying a large piece of material and making one yourself? BTW, the sling I have can be used for toddlers, so it's not just for lying down. I put Wesley on my hip and he sits in it and gets to look around. It hurts my shoulder after awhile, but so does the Bjorn.
Sorry to be so negative, but I haven't had great experiences with those things. I will say that I do like the Bjorn the best as far as safety. It just feels the most safe to me. Maybe they make them for bigger kids these days.
I don't think used would be gross. You can wash it. If you're interested, I will sell you our's. It's three years old though. But hasn't been used more than 10 times between two kids! PM me if you want.
kimberley replied: well the sling i had was multipurpose. you could lie down a newborn, you can hip carry a baby who can hold their head up or back carry a toddler.
ediep replied: oh, cool. I had no idea thanks
MyBlueEyedBabies replied: this is the kind I was talking about. as you can see it's being used on an older child.
Calimama replied: Just a heads up, the Infantino sling was just recalled. Different than the one you were talking about, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.
blissfulecho replied: I have an Ergo and I love it! They can comfortably be used until your babe is about 40lbs. They are spendy, but you can find them on Ebay from time to time. I also have several mei ties which I also love, but I find that the Ergo is most comfortable and much quicker and easier to put on. I know people who've had good experiences with the Moby Wrap as well.
Good luck and I hope those help!
Boo&BugsMom replied: OMG! THANK YOU for posting this. This is the one I purchased and it was recalled. I just got done on the website so I can return it. THANKS!!!
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I know that we have this one at my Target so you might want to look in yours. It's a BabyBjorn Air. It allows the baby to stay cooler on hotter days. It is a bit pricey, but will carry a child up to 25lbs.
kimberley replied: ways to use sling
ediep replied: well, thanks so much everyone
I found a new baby bjorn (2007 model) on ebay for $40.
I figured even if I only use it for the next few months, I can give it to my sister, who just found out that she is pregnant.
Jamison'smama replied: I primarily used a sling but we also found that a backpack was great for either of us to carry the kids and they loved being up high in there.
PrairieMom replied: I have a snuggli and I like it just fine. I don't know if there is really much difference between the bijorn and the snuggli or not, I just couldn't bring myself to spend that much $ on a carrier. I Had Alexis in it yesterday afternoon tho. She still fits fine and it worked good. I didn't get sore or anything. she is pretty tiny tho, only 15 pounds 11 oz. and still in 6-9 month clothes.
Calimama replied: I'm glad you hadn't used it!!
flirtycuddle replied: Also since she is 14lbs there is a hip hammock made by playtex that i have used with my dd. I started when she was that weight and it is so much eaiser then the front carrier. I had a bjorn for her and it was a pain in the butt big time at that weight. I hated it and sold it. Also the hip hammock goes up to 40lbs and you just carry on your hip without using your hands to support....really nice cuz then you don't have the weight right in front of you...,my dd and now my ds love the hip one and hate the front one at that weight.
Houstonmommy replied: I know this post is a few days old and you already bought the Bjorn on ebay but I just wanted to give you my experience with the Bjorn. I had the $80 (the least expensive one--HA!) and couldn't stand to have it on more than 5 minutes. I am petite and both of my babies have been big...this results in major backaches with the Bjorn (for short people at least).
So I gave mine away and ended up being SO happy with the Playtex Hip Hammock (echoing the previous poster). I found one on clearance at Wal-Mart last year for $16, it's FANTASTIC. I can't reccommend it highly enough (especially for the price). My son hated, hated, hated the infant carseat carrier so going grocery shopping was very painful until I got the Hip Hammock (now that he's sitting up we use a shopping cart cover--but until then, the Hip Hammock was a lifesaver).
Anyway, one website that has tons of mommy reviews on baby gear (as well as local baby friendly places) is You might check it out in addition to posting here next time you want multiple opinions on a specific item.
Oh! Also wanted to mention that the newer Bjorns have a lumbar support (more expensive) so if you're set on having a Bjorn you might try that one if the basic one is giving you back grief. Good luck!!!!
Boys r us replied: Sounds like you've already purchased a bjorn..but I just wanted to put my two cents worth in about my likes and dislikes!
I have a bjorn and a moby( ) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my moby! It's soooo versitle and Alexandra loves it! It's so soft and easy on her skin and VERY easy on my really distibutes Alliebelle's weight evenly!
lovemy2 replied: They also make what's called a Hip Hammock - it holds the child on your hip and can be used up to like 40 lbs.....I am not sure though if Emma would still be too little right now to use it - I think it is geared more towards a little bigger child...but look on the babies r us website I know they sell them there and they are made by the same company as Snugli - maybe that is actually the name of the company???
I know I am going to get one for when we go to Disney in November - Dylan will be 11 months old....
lovemy2 replied: Edie - its called a Hip Hammock and it is made by Playtex for children 15-35 lbs.......costs $29.99.