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guess what alyssa did!?! - funny but gross!

A&A'smommy wrote: Yesterday i was giving her a bath and i was talking and talking to her and she just looked at me like i dont care lady LOL and all the sudden she started grunting and i was like OH NO dont do that lol you can only amagin what she was doing lol yes she was uuhhh pooping blush.gif i started dying out laughing and then i heard dh come in from taking the trash out and yelled at him to come upstairs so he came and he was like "what" and i said "guess what you daughter is doing" and he freaked out lol he was like why did i tell him to come and see that i just couldnt help it, it was the first time she did it and it was funny! laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif

ediep replied: GROSS!!! but cute! tongue.gif

My2Carebears replied: lol...ewwww

aspenblue1 replied: LOL!

kimberley replied: ewww but funny! lol rolling_smile.gif

MommyToAshley replied: rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif What a little stinker! laugh.gif

booey2 replied: Isn't it fun when they do stuff like that. Your dh sounds just like mine. laugh.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: LOL to funny little grosses but funny espically since you said guess what YOUR daughter is doing! LOL rolling_smile.gif

DansMom replied: That's so funny! Daniel has done that---not much fun cleaning up, but so funny! laugh.gif

coasterqueen replied: LOL! That is gross, but very cute! We got very lucky, Kylie just poo'ed in the tub for the first time last month! Yep, not til she was 15 months old! And she did it when Dh was giving her a bath, which made it that much better laugh.gif She's pee'd before, but not poo'd.

WTG Alyssa wink.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Mckaylee still does it.....I always know she is going to when I see her cross her legs..but its to late to stop her.

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Ewwwww! tongue.gif LOL!! rolling_smile.gif Nothing better to initiate mommy!!

~CrazieMama~ replied: Ewwwwwwwwwwwww, lol that is funny though... rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

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