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got a question - on nursing

Kaitlin'smom wrote: okay here is my question Kaitlin weaned her self about 2-3 months ago sad.gif and last week she wanted to nurse she was lifting my shirt to (thankfully we were at home) at that time I destracted her and then yesterday she tried again at lunch time and later that evening, she can lift my shirt up and almost got me. So my question should I let her nurse again or keep distracting her when she tries? I am really not sure what to do on this.....I don't know if there is a reason she is doing this or not, and help or advice is appriciated.


MommyToAshley replied: I guess that is a personal choice. I think I read somewhere that you still produce milk for quite some time after weaning.

When Ashley weaned, I decided that we would be done and wouldn't go back to nursing. I had planned to wean her at 2 years old if she did not wean herself. But since she was 17 months when she weaned, I thought it would be better not to start again. I was lucky, Ashley never asked to nurse again so I didn't have that problem. The weird thing is that she did start wanting to be rocked to sleep again. She had been goign to sleep in her bed by herself at night, but once she weaned, she wanted to be rocked to sleep... which is fine by me, I enjoy it. wub.gif

I wonder if Kaitlin is asking to nurse for some other reason... comfort? Maybe because you weaned her from the bottle? She might still need a little security item? It could even be teething. Nursing might feel good on her gums and comfort her? Or maybe she is going through some separation anxiety. She is coming up to that age where separation anxiety is supposed to peak... maybe she just wants to be close to Mommy? There are lots of reasons, I hope you are able to figure it out. Good luck on whatever you decide. grouphug.gif

P.S. I am dying to see Kaitlin, let's get together soon!

coasterqueen replied: Honestly, it doesn't sound like she really weaned herself a few months ago. Babies go through *strikes* and *distractible* phases that make them *forget* about nursing and that's why if you want them to continue to nurse you have to continue to ask. Eventually when they do wean themselves you can keep asking but they just don't want to anymore.

If she's asking, she more than likely never really weaned. This is what I call a *gentle* parent-led weaning and it's PERFECTLY fine to do wink.gif as long as you and Kaitlin are comfortable with it. Babies that wean will not ever ask to nurse again.

If it were me and I was ready to wean Kylie, this would be the perfect time to just say "no more snuggles" and just provide other means of comfort. Toddlers need lots and lots more comfort IMO than they do when they are younger. I say that because I've noticed Kylie needs more comforting now than she ever has. She's nursing again as if she was a 3 week old infant. I've spent the last week almost ever night on the couch nursing her non-stop and she is nursing non-stop throughout the night. wacko.gif wacko.gif I know it's for comfort because half the time I don't even hear her swallow. dry.gif I'm hoping this phase passes by very quickly.

Sorry, I'm mumbling about my missed sleep, lol. Anyways Di, if you and Kaitlin are comfortable with the current situation, just go ahead with the gentle weaning and distract her with something else. I think a gentle parent-led weaning is FAR BETTER than making them wean cold turkey.

If Kylie doesn't wean during my next pg, I'm seriously considering a gentle parent-led weaning myself. I just don't think I can tandem nurse. rolleyes.gif


Kaitlin'smom replied: thanks Karen I see your point, but to let you know I noticed a lack of interest in her nursing and I did continue to offer, maybe not as often as I should but she always turned me down. So after 4 weeks of offering and her telling me no I stoped. I just dunno if I should start again, she is sleeping well at night and I dont want her to rever to waking often and me her getting no sleep. wacko.gif I am just confused.

Dee Dee ya I am thinking since she no longer has her bottle that now she wantes, me or it could very well be the sepration anxitey, I feel so guilty the days she cries for me whenI leave her at the sitters, this week was ruff since she did not get much mommy time over the weekend sad.gif I want to see Ashley again she is getting so big!

I just dont know........... blink.gif

amynicole21 replied: Has she ever taken a paci or suck her thumb? Babies have the physiological need to suck until about age 2. Since you put the bottles away, I bet she is just missing that. If it were me, I'd just continue to distract her. It's totally a personal choice though, and you are the one who has to be comfortable with it! Good luck!!

coasterqueen replied:
Ahh Di, grouphug.gif It is rough when they go thru seperation anxiety. sad.gif

If it were me, like I said, I would give her other means of comfort, since she hasn't nursed for awhile already. Cuddle with her, rock her, whatever she needs for comfort. I'm sure it is the fact that she is not having the bottle anymore.

I just don't know what else to say. If you go back to nursing at this point, it *may* be harder to wean her unless you go for child-led weaning, which in this case I would not do.

grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

Is distracting her helping? Like no num nums, but what about coloring Kaitlin? or something like that.

coasterqueen replied: BTW, right now Kylie is, like I said earlier, nursing like CRAZY lately and sometimes when I get emotionally drained and she just nursed 6 times, and she asks again I say "no no, not right now, let's do something else", but she just won't let me distract her. sad.gif It's so hard!!! grouphug.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
she does suck her thumb...since about 3 months old

Kaitlin'smom replied:
distracting her has worked, usually I ask her to bring me a book. I do think I will contiune to distract her when she does it, as much as I would love to still nurse her I just dont want her to need it all the time and make things hard on all of us. I just hope she does not start saying please when she asks or sign and say more other wise I might give in unsure.gif


coasterqueen replied:
I think you are doing the right thing wink.gif. I'm sure it's hard though. Oh gosh, hopefully she won't say please, I'd cave if Kylie did that. rolling_smile.gif Right now when she asks to nurse and I can't because I'm in the middle of something she just yells SIDE (which is her word for nurse, not mine, lol). But I tell her no, in a minute, but if she said SIDE PLEASEEEEEEE, I'd lose it. rolling_smile.gif

Good luck grouphug.gif!

jem0622 replied: I would caution you against starting up again for the simple fact that you could end up with a breast infection (mastisis). Trust me because I know. I did it and was miserable.

I think that you did the right thing and she is still going to have a curiosity. Gabe likes to snuggle with me lots and has his he has comfort time with Mommy.

If it had been a matter of days then I would say to try again but not when it has been weeks.

Moving to that next stage is hard for Mommy and the baby. HUGS to you.

You are a great mom!


Kirstenmumof3 replied: Claudia goes through phases where she nurses like crazy and wants to nurse all the time to only nursing a few times throughout the day. I'm not sure what I would do in that situation, if she was completely weaned a few months ago she probably is doing it for comfort and security.

Kaitlin'smom replied: thanks for all the imput, she has not asked anymore......guess it was just a rare thing so if she does it again then I will distract her with something. sad.gif I do miss nursing her. bawling.gif

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