disappointed with quality
boyohboyohboy wrote: I dont know if i am just expecting to much or what.... but we went the board game route this year with the kids, because they are getting at the age when they can play, and frankly i am sick of things that require batteries..and a tv to play.
so we went with the old classics. i was very disappointed to see that they have down graded most of the old games. we got perfection, which i had as a kid, that had a huge pop when the timer went off and the shapes would fly off...well now its half the size it was, and the whole thing is made of a really cheap plastic and the pop is like a tiny little ting...it hardly works. i also got dh a deluxe scrabble game, it said it came with a turn table and looked really nice on the front pic...well when its opened its made of a really cheap plastic, i mean it feels like your hand could go right thru it, a real good turn on that turn table and i bet it cracks..the pieces are all plastic. i thought it looked like wood, for $40 it should have been wood...but its made so cheaply.
i really feel like you just dont get your moneys worth anymore.. stuff is made so cheap and costs so much.
grandma replied: Hum, maybe they are trying to force us to buy electronic? I bought my son and family Nascar Monopoly and he said it was really cool because you get to make your own board using stickers of your favorite teams.
lisar replied: Yea those games arent made like they used to be made thats for sure.
gr33n3y3z replied: thats the way all the games are any more you should see the LIFE game LOL talk about down sizing and cheap
ZandersMama replied: I got Zannder all of the kiddie board games this year ( again i hate batteries and him glued to the tv) and i found the same thing. The companies are making games for 3-5 year olds but if they toss one piece its going to be broken. Candyland is I think the only one that meeted my expectations( and also the cheapest one I got)
Anthony275 replied: you should see monopoly...CREDIT CARDS
boyohboyohboy replied: I know! I couldnt believe they changed that game! Its like an old stand by and now they ruined it..in my opinion. we also got battle ship but havent opened it yet, i am assuming i am going to be disappointed with that one too.
Anthony275 replied: hopefully you wont be, but dosent that game have batteries in it?? i dont even think you can get original monopoly with CASH without getting some stupid limited edition kind
Danalana replied: Wow. Monopoly with credt cards. That's just sad...and it speaks loads about the worls we live in.
Anthony275 replied: it's not even teaching kids how to count out the money, you won't need that anymore, just scan the credit card!
Danalana replied: I don't even understand why that would be fun. How can you win? I don't have a credit card, and DH has one. We pretty much never use it, cause DH is a fan of actually being able to pay for things. I don't think I would want to get a game for my kids that teaches them they don't have to have money to buy things. What were they thinking?
Anthony275 replied: they were thinking of how the economy is becoming
Danalana replied: Anthony, you know what's funny? I know that's Jim Morrison in your signature but, everytime I see it, I associate YOU with it. In my head, that's pretty much how you look
Anthony275 replied: except im not 27 and dead
Danalana replied: Little details...
Anthony275 replied: explain what that means
Danalana replied: It means besides the fact that you aren't dead or 27, it could be you!
Anthony275 replied: but im not that thin or malnourished looking either
Danalana replied: What are you trying to say?
Anthony275 replied: jim morrison looks malnourished in those pictures
Danalana replied: It doesn't matter...I associate everybody's signature pic with them, so that's what you get for putting him there!
luvmykids replied: I got Colt the Rock Em Sock Em Robots, I never had the old one to compare it to but I really doubt this version is as good
~Roo'sMama~ replied: That sucks Stacy! I hate how cheaply they're making everything now too. My Dh and I got the Scrabble deluxe a couple years ago too thinking it looked really nice, but we took it back after we opened it and found one of the old, better made deluxe editions on ebay. It makes me mad how they think they can make stuff so crappy and then expect you to pay even more for it.
bawoodsmall replied: Lol. You are too funny. I didnt even think about how it is teaching kids that you dont need money you can just use a card. I must say though I use my ATM card all the time. I rarely have cash. And our 4 year old thinks you just go to a machine and get money when you need it(the Atm) Not good.
Cece00 replied: Wow, I am just not having that sort of trouble. We own multiple Trivial Pursuits, Candy Land, Hi Ho Cherry O, Monopoly, etc etc and they are like I remember them.
We did buy like 4 or 5 more games this yr that havent been opened yet so maybe I'll feel differently about them.
But my boys opened "Pirahna Panic" and I thought it was fine...
Calimama replied: Oh goodness.
boyohboyohboy replied: we have this also, and with two boys it didnt last even two fight...broke
grandma replied: LOL - I didn't think anyone let their kids use those anymore....
msoulz replied: OMG, that is the first toy I thought of after reading your original post! We bought that for Jake a couple of years ago (or maybe it was for us??) and it was just not the same ol' robots we had. Really bad.
And I am SHOCKED to hear about Monopoly having credit cards!! I really thought that was a joke. That is simply amazing. It's no wonder these young clerks can't count change!!
grandma replied: Jim Morrison got fat before he died.....
Anthony275 replied: he wasn't that fat, but he had more meat than my signature picture
Boo&BugsMom replied: We have Perfection and do not have an issue with it. HOWEVER...we do have a newer Sit and Spin and let me tell you...cheap cheap cheap plastic! It still holds up, but it is NOTHING like the old thick hard plastic ones they use to have.
I'm glad I know about the Rockem Sockem Robots after reading this because we almost got this for Tanner. Not anymore!
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: What's the fun of monopoly when you can't steal cash from your little brother???
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: He probably was. Forgetting to eat for all the drugs in his system.
Boo&BugsMom replied: It's a newer/different version of Monopoly that they came out with, but the older version is still made and available as well. They even have themed Monopoly too. I thought about getting Tanner the Spiderman Monopoly for his b-day!
Anthony275 replied: didn't they change operation too?
Calimama replied: That's what I got my BIL! He loved it!
msoulz replied: We also have Operation and the bad thing about that is the tweezers are really difficult to use which, of course, makes the game hard to play - very poor quality, but the game still works the same way.
grandma replied: He had a pretty big beer belly and looked way older than he was. I think that was the hard fast life of a rockstar that he led.
gr33n3y3z replied: The funny thing about that is they down sized that game also Well my friends game they did from the original size which makes it more difficult to get the pieces out
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Are you serious?? We have a limited edition Monopoly set that my SIL gave DH a few years back. Real wood and nice heavy metal pieces. Even the houses are metal, no plastic at all. Even comes with a felt book type case for the cards. But I think it was really expensive. And no credit cards. That shocks me!
I bought the kids a lot of games this year too, for the EXACT same reason you said Stacy. But I didn't get any of the classics. Our favorite so far, Wil's too (HUGE hit for xmas) was the Cariboo game, made by the company that makes Cranium. He LOVES it!! Has been playing it non-stop since he opened it. So I wonder if Hasbro, or whomever has purchased the rights to those classic games is just cutting corners because those games aren't as popular anymore.
holley79 replied: I was very disappointed with the games as well. I got all the neices and nephews who were old enough for board games and board game. When they opened them at my FIL's house I just couldn't get over how cheaply made they were. It's very sad. We did play Hi Ho Cherry O.