advice about when to start rice cereal needed
angelhair wrote: at what age did you ladies start your kids on rice cereal. my dd will be three months in a week. is three months to early? cannot remember what I did with my son love dee
~Roo'sMama~ replied: My ped told me to start around 4-6 months, preferably 6.
Jamison'smama replied: 6 months with both my kids
kit_kats_mom replied: The AAP recently upped the reccomended age to start cereal. It's now 6 months but it was 4-6 months last year.
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: I waited until about five and a half months. And it took him some time to get used to it. He wore more of it than he ate.
Nathansmom replied: I waited until 6 months here, well a week early..but the pediatrician told me to start that day.
massagemommy replied: They say 6 months but mine got his first the day he turned 4 months because he was just jonesin' for something besides milk. He only took the tiniest thinnest bit at first and for several weeks only wanted some every 2 or 3 days. By 5 1/2 months he wanted a little bit every day and we started oatmeal and veg somewhere around 6 mos.
CantWait replied: I started Robbie at 2 months, but he wasn't bf. Anthony I started around 4 months.
jacobsmama replied: I started jacob on it about 10 weeks a little at bed time really runny he did very well and slept all night.
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: I started Wil at four months and I still give it to him now at 13 months! He loves it and it has lots of good iron!
MyLuvBugs replied: We put Lorelei on it at 4.5 months and by 5 months she had it down, and was starting on fruits and veggies.
3_call_me_mama replied: I'd suggest 4-6 months. I know the new reccommended age is 6 months but by that age for both my kids the were already grabbing food off my plates So we did teh lower end. But do what works for you adn your family. Too early could give them digestational problems, so chek with your ped and go from there.
Stacie30 replied: my ped this time said the AAP recommends 6 months but we'd probably start my son on it at 4 months... 11 years ago a different ped had me start my son on cereal in his bottles at 2 months but that was because he was absolutely huge (10 1/2 lbs at birth and consistently off the percentile charts) he's now 11 and 5 foot 4 with a size 10 in mens shoe... WOOW huh?
Our Lil' Family replied: We put it in his nighttime bottle at 3 1/2 months and then started on a spoon at 4 months when he began refusing it in his bottle!
My3LilMonkeys replied: At our ped's recommendation we started putting it in Madison's bottles (1/2 T per 6 oz of formula) when she was 3 weeks old. She had an insatiable appetite and would eat 9-10 bottles a day. Our ped did stress that hers was an unusual situation though.