Wonder pets
A&A'smommy wrote: Does anyone elses child LOVE this show?? I mean Alyssa can sing the song by herself its really cute btw... I think its really cute show and Alyssa almost likes it better than dora which is a major WOW!!!
mckayleesmom replied: Mckaylee and Russell just discovered this show about a week ago....They both LOVE it...especially Russell...he zones out and is totally glued to it..
CAMSMOM1 replied: We love that show! I get the songs stuck in my head all the time!
"What's gonna work? TEAM WORK!" "The phone, the phone is ringing!"
"We're wonder pets and we'll help you!"
See what you did, now it's stuck in my head again!
I love the little chickie, her name is Ming right? Isn't her voice the cutest?
MommyToAshley replied: Ashley is watching it right now for her quiet time. There's a game on NickJr.com for wonder pets too.
C&K*s Mommie replied: The girls catch it here and there for their quiet time or sometimes snack time. I just clicked it off, here a little while ago while they were eating their yogurt & while they were not watching it I heard the theme come on again. I think it came on back to back or something. I have the darn "wonder pets, wonder pets we're on our way..." song stuck in my head. And I was not even watching it!
Cece00 replied: My boys love the show. They were watching it earlier. Maybe its just me, though....their little voices (the pets, not my kids ) aggrivate me
A&A'smommy replied: lol it did it came on like 4 or 5 times or something (we didn't watch them all I just saw them on earlier and then when they came on again)
I think their voices are cute its like 3 little 8 year old girls or something
Crystalina replied: They aggrivate the heck out of me to. Evan uses baby talk for like an hour after he watches them. I don't like that. I think they can be cute and at the same time talk in a regular voice. Kids immitate that and they think that's the way to talk. I have to tell Evan that he needs to talk right or Mommy isn't hearing him.
luvmykids replied: We haven't seen it, I'm trying not to add to their repitoire of requested TV shows, trying to cut waaaaaay down. Now they have to buy TV time with tickets they earn for cleaning their rooms, sharing, etc.
3xsthefun replied: Maegan really doesn't care for it thank goodness. I don't know it is cute. But it sort of annoys me.
MommyToAshley replied: That's a neat idea. Ashley wouldn't care about TV... but I might use your idea for computer time. HMMMM. Good idea!
CAMSMOM1 replied: We've been watching Wonder Pets alllll morning! They are playing it one right after another. I think we've seen 4 episodes already! I swear I'll never get the songs out of my head!
Crystalina replied: What does she do on the computer? I'm looking for some kid friendly websites for Izabella. She's been doing Noggin.com but she's getting kind of bored with it. I'm just looking for something differant.
Insanemomof3 replied: My kids both love this show. It is really cute. Tristan has been singing Eureka! by the backyardigans alll day though. I hope he sings the wonder pet songs soon.
Crystalina replied: OMG!!! It's STILL on!
luvmykids replied: I actually got the idea from b&b's mom. It's been great!!! They earn them for specific things, or get "bonus" tickets when I "catch" them being good, sharing, etc. They can earn TV time, an ice cream cone, picking where they want to sit at dinner, etc.
MamaJAM replied: My boys have been running around the house singing the main songs and 'rescuing' stuffed animals and toys for days now. Personally - the show drives me NUTS (the ducks 'lisp' bugs me to no end) -- but the boys love it - so I let them watch it...and find work to do in other rooms.