Why am I so tired?
coasterqueen wrote: As soon as the cold weather hit I immediately starting feeling tired ALL THE TIME. A couple of years ago I had saliva spit testing done because I was tired all the time and just wanted to sleep. Anti-depressants didn't work, which was another reason I had the testing done. I wasn't depressed, just couldn't stay awake for anything. So I went on herbal supplement regiments and it did WONDERS for me instantly. I haven't taken them in almost a year and now I'm wondering if I'm noticing a correlation with the weather - if that is what does it. When I was tested my adrenals were next to nil - which was causing me to be so sleepy. So why do they get depleted when the weather hits. Must be winter blues? Although it's not winter yet. The herbal regiment was pretty expensive, so I've decided to try a similar vitamin - ordered it today. I hope it helps because my family thinks I don't want to be with them, but it's just I'm tired and when I'm tired I'm cranky.
Anyone else have this problem?
ETA: And at the same time I took the herbals my migraines started to go away and now they are back again. Weird!
mom21kid2dogs replied: LOL! We were just talking about this at school. All the teachers were coplaing about it. I swear it's our bodies going into winter hibernation mode!
coasterqueen replied: You know, I think this has been my problem all along - I just didn't notice what time of the year it hits. I truly hope this vitamin that I ordered helps because I can't go another 6 months or so like this and either can my family.
MommyToAshley replied: Oh my gosh, I have been the same way. I've had sleep issues ever since Ashley was born and I don't really sleep much anyways, about 4 hours a night if I am lucky, usually less. But, I am almost never tired and somehow function without sleep. I got 8 hours of sleep last night and I had the hardest time dragging myself out of bed this morning. I've been tired all day.
luvmykids replied: I swear it's seasonal for me too....I've been fighting off some kind of virus for almost three weeks now so I know that's contributing, but even on "good" days I feel like I could crawl into bed (barely ) and stay for the winter. I hadn't realized it happens every year until DH reminded me with a sweet "Oh, sandwiches? I forgot you're too tired to cook from October to February"
Sam & Abby's Mom replied: You might have S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) .... http://www.ncpamd.com/seasonal.htm
coasterqueen replied: Dh suggested I actually do the light therapy. He told me to order it yesterday, but it's $140 and I'm not sure if I'm committed to using it an hour a day.
ZandersMama replied: I would give it a shot, for sure
A&A'smommy replied: I read this yesterday and my first thought was SAD and light therapy it MIGHT be really effective for you.
I have the oposite problem I sleep less and get up better during the winter so aggravating. And I really don't care for winter that much....
CantWait replied: I tried vitamin D a couple years ago back didn't notice a difference. I'd say if the herbal supplements are doing the trick for your sleepiness AND migraines the cost wouldn't be an issue for me.
coasterqueen replied: It is worth the expense, but that stuff is at least $100 or more a month - trying to tighten expenses and so it is a lot, unfortunately.
My2Beauties replied: Karen I feel the same way lately, but mine was even bothering me over the summer, I don't know what to do to feel awake.