What is your childs security item?? - blanket,,,toy,,,etc...
mckayleesmom wrote: Mckaylees security item is her gorilla named "monkey pie"....She got him for xmas and hasn't been apart from that thing since. We are just recently allowed to leave the house without him.
Mckaylee and "monkey pie"
Sunflower04 replied: I would have to say my ds security item is my Dh. He won't go or do anything without DH.
Insanemomof3 replied: Tristan can NOT go to bed without his cars and monster trucks. Demetrius will go to bed with his monkey...although he will go to sleep with any stuffed animal, but he calls them all monkeys lol.
dolfinrse replied: Well, it used to be a Big Clifford the Big Red Dog, but Zack was sweating during the night from holding him so tight, so we were able to switch him to a White Dog with Red spots beanie baby (he calls him Baby Clifford) and a Spongebob Beanie Baby.
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Just a binkie right now...I'm sure he'll pickup something else as he gets older!
mom2tripp replied: Just his BB (pacifier)
My2Beauties replied: Her sippy cup
3xsthefun replied: Kaitlynn- has a Scooby Doo blanket, she also has another blanket she had before she was born, and she calls it "blankie" and then she has a stuff Lemur (spelling), my brother bought her when she was a baby that she named Foo that she likes sleep with.
Maegan- has her binky, yes she still has her pacifer she calls it her "uh,oh" and sometimes she carries around a stuff animal cat she likes.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Right now... Me.
mammag replied: Keegan doesn't really have one but the one toy he tends to go to all the time....well, it isn't even a toy. It's one of those picture frame things that is in the shape of a snowman stick guy it has a picture of his uncle's face in there. I'll have to take a picture after I eat and show you. It's pretty darn funny!
Cade has a teddy he used to sleep with all the time.
Conner always changes.
Kristen had an old E.T. doll that was sewn all together from the dog attacking it. and lost the faux leather skin. It's a pathetic thing really. Sometimes he wears pretty pink doll dresses though and that seems to help.
b&bsmom replied: My kids both use(d) their "raggies" It is any burp cloth. Most of ours had little designs on it. My daughter used to hold them when I would feed her and ended up needing them to sleep. Every once in awhile she asks for hers. My son used his but lately he doesn't always need it now. The good thing about the "raggies" is that it didn't have to be a certain one. My daughter also uses a stuffed dog named Roly. She always has a stuffed animal or something but Roly is still the one she wants when she isn't feeling well.
mummy2girls replied: jennas is a blanket she has had since she was 4 months old and a dolly that is in 99 percent of all her pics. And that security item was left behind at daycare last night..sigh!
mammag replied: Here is the pic of Keegan & SnowPete as we call him....
MommyToAshley replied: aweee, what a cute pic!
Ashley has never had a security item, binky, or sucked her thumb.... I always found that a bit odd. Maybe DH and I are her security items?
~KARA~ replied: Tatum really never had anything. Maddi on the other hand has her blankie. She has had it since she was born. It has the blue night time care bear on it, or i should say HAD. I cut the blanket in 1/2 when she started walking then cut the one 1/2 in 1/2 again. I put the big piece that has the bear on it up for her when she is older. Im hoping the baby dosent need noe!!
luvbug00 replied: Mya has "quack quack" he's a duck that's really squishy with two feet and she's had it since birth. I have "fu fu" he's a bunny my mom got me when i was 4 and my brother has allen the bear also from my mom. both of us have matching bears that our birth mother left us with. I keep my animals with me at home. They even travel with me.
A&A'smommy replied: my hair lol whenever she is tirehe d/sad/mad/ whatever she wants to hold my hair like a blanky!
ediep replied: Jason has a blankey that he named Fe Fe
Josie83 replied: Cassie has her Dodo which she's had since she was a baby. Shecarts that thing around everywhere with her and she gets really stressed when I have to wash it, because she says it doesn't smell right She's tried to take it to nursery a few times. She uses Jason and I as security items too, i suppose - if if she's ill upset or tired, she'l run over and hide her face in our stomachs ;wub: She's done it for as long as I can remember xx
ions_momma replied: Ion doesnt really have one anymore, but when he was a baby, up until about age 2 1/2, he HAD to have his "puppy". It was a stuffed animal puppy dog that he LOVED! He took it everywhere with him!
Christine75 replied: Emma has a pink Care Bear that she named Tiffany. She sleeps with it every night. If it's lost, she's blows!
Yours Truly, Christine & Emma
EmilyandPhoebesMommy replied: Emily has a 'bubba blankie' which is in shreds as she has taken it everywhere since she could walk. It was given to her by her granma at birth. Phoebe doesn't have one - unless you count her books!