What am I thinking!?!?
PrairieMom wrote: Well, I am about to set off on a 3 mile bike ride to the library / park ? then grocery store, then back home, all while pulling a trailer with 62 pounds of kids in it. I REFUSE to drive anywhere with gas prices being what they are. REFUSE. I'd rather die. and I might. If I don't update, its because I am literally died somewhere between my house and the library.
moped replied: OMG woman! Is your car broken? KIDDING!
TheOaf66 replied: I need to get one of those trailer things
stella6979 replied: Good luck to ya! I don't even have a bike, so we usually walk everywhere we want to go.
holley79 replied: I have one of the little tykes pull behinds. They are great!!
5littleladies replied: Good for you! My bike tire is broken otherwise I'd be doing the same thing. Thankfully we can walk pretty much everywhere for now!
MommyToAshley replied: Take plenty of water to drink. I hope to hear from you again... just kidding. You can do it, and good for you for taking a stand and doing something healthy at the same time. Ashley has to ride her own bike now, no way I could pull her in our trailer any more.
momofone replied: be safe.
luvmykids replied: You are one brave (and strong!) woman Good luck to you and maybe even have fun
lovemy2 replied: Oh Fun - my kids LOVE the bike trailer - we use it as a stroller sometimes too!!!
There is lots of room in them and actually they aren't so hard to pull even with 65 lbs of kid in them!
Have fun!!! Check in when you get back....
Teesa®© replied: May the force be with you and hope you don't have any hills!!!
Good luck and I'm proud of you
My3LilMonkeys replied: Good for you!!! With the hills around my house and my notoriously terrible bike riding skills there's no way I could make it anywhere!
MoonMama replied: Hey Tara where are you? Did you survive?
Calimama replied: I hope it went well!!!
PrairieMom replied: I updated in a different thread. I survived, but barely.