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We're home! - long!!!

5littleladies wrote: Ok, actually we came home yesterday-A day early, because I was sick of the nurses and the hospital bed. So I got a lovely night sleep last night and am feeling wonderful today! smile.gif I'm going to try and post her birth story before she wakes up and wants to eat. happy.gif

Short Version-

Miss Alyssa Jean was born Monday, Sept 20 at 12:36 after about 6 hours of labor (give or take). She weighs 9 lbs and is 21 inches long. She is beautiful! wub.gif

Long Version!

Sunday night I started having contractions at about 10 o'clock that started getting longer and more painful as time progressed. I thought I may actually have gone into labor on my own so I decided to get some sleep before I was in too much pain. Of course almost as soon as my head hit the pillow they slowed down and almost completely fizzled out. How frustrating! At 6:30 I got up and started to get ready to leave and they started up again. By the time we got to the hopspital at 7:30 for the induction they were coming every 5 minutes or less so they couldn't "induce" me with gel like they had planned. My dr. came in at around 8:30 and suggested breaking my water to speed things along. I started crying. This is exactly what happened with Brianna and her delivery was no picnic. Nevertheless-after some discussion with dh and a decision to get an epidural as soon as I was allowed, I agreed. Dr. broke my water and I immediately went from 3cm to 4. Epi time! It went in with no problems and I felt fabulous! Unfurtunately it stalled my labor at 5 cm. dry.gif So we started pitocin. That was not fun stuff! I wasn't actually in "pain" but the pressure had me in tears-I started to lose it, but my wonderful husband helped me calm down. This was at about noon. I went from 6 cm to fully dilated in about 10 minutes. The longest 10 minutes of my life. blink.gif My dr. came running into the room and got ready for me to push. At this time they noticed small traces of meconium in the fluid so they sent for a doctor to check her out as soon as she was born. (they think the reason we didn't see it as soon as my water was broken is because it was blocked up above her) I pushed through maybe 3 contractions and her head was born and then had to lay there and breathe while they suctioned her out as well as they possibly could and then with one more push she came sliding out! My Dr. said "Here he is!", and I yelled-"He?!?!?". Everyone laughed and quickly assured me that she was indeed a she. I swear I was going to pass out for a minute there. tongue.gif They took her over to the warmer for a looonngg time to make sure her lungs were clear and then gave her to her papa. I told him to run her out and show everyone who was waiting since I was still being cleaned up and as a result Sara got to hold my daughter before I did. laugh.gif (Sara-I promise, I don't mind wink.gif ) Um....I think that's about it. I didn't tear at all (Yay!), and aside from feeling a bit bruised and a bit sore from nursing I feel great. Alyssa was a bit fussy the first night-she wanted to nurse all night and everytime I would send her to the nursery so I could get some sleep the nurses would bring her back-"Oh she wants to eat!". rolleyes.gif I was so annoyed-the nurses treated me like I didn't know what I was doing half the time and were just generally obnoxious, but that's a different story. dry.gif

Now that we are home Lissie is doing wonderful! She let her mommy sleep a decent amount last night and is very peaceful-She clearly knows she's home. wub.gif The girls are adjusting to her in different ways. Maddie adores her and would hold her constantly if I let her. Meg refuses to hold her but loves to look at her and talk to her, and Brianna loves to hold her and give her kisses but is very aware of the time that mommy has to spend with the baby so she is a bit out of sorts. She is doing much better today than she was yesterday though. We spent some snuggle time in bed while Lissie slept in the bassinett so I think that helped. smile.gif

Ok-this is turning into a novel so I'll stop now. I haven't gotten any great pictures of Lissie yet but I'll post a few anyways. happy.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: wub.gif OH CONGRATS. Sounds like labor was not to bad. I cant wait to see pics of her. 9LBS wow.

5littleladies replied: Sir Andrew meeting his future wife. happy.gif

user posted image

Miss Alyssa, just home from the hospital wub.gif

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Me, hubby and Lissie-

user posted image

I had another one but it won't work. I'll try and post more later today-I have to go feed Lissie now. happy.gif

KingMom replied: She's adorable, what a big baby she is!

moped replied: WElcome home - I loved reading your story, glad all is well and we can't wait to see pictures!!!!!!!

moxee24 replied: wub.gif What a sweet baby girl. She looks so precious and tiny, even for being 9 lbs. happy.gif CONGRATS!!! hug.gif

ediep replied: oh Jen, she is just perfect!! I love her birth chubby cheeks!! All in all, it sounded like her birth wasn't too bad, I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!

5littleladies replied: Nevermind..... tongue.gif

gr33n3y3z replied: Aww she is so pretty and very big smile.gif

I'm glad you and baby are fine

Welcome back

DansMom replied: She's beautiful!! Congratulations wub.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: Welcome home Alyssa! wub.gif

I'm glad everyone seems to be adjusting well. I'm sure Brianna will start feeling better soon too - especially since you're taking the time to cuddle with her and stuff! thumb.gif
I love that pic of Andrew and Lissie ~ Roo looks pretty pleased to meet her! laugh.gif wub.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Jen she is GORGEOUS!!! I love that picture of she and Andrew. wub.gif I want to hold her so bad!! Move to Texas! laugh.gif I'm glad things went well and better than expected. Thank you for the pictures and the update. Get some rest. wink.gif

Insanemomof3 replied: She is absolutely beautiful!!!! She makes me want to try for another ....i need another girl! LOL rolling_smile.gif

BTW, that will NEVER happen for me tongue.gif

MomToMany replied: wub.gif Awwww, she's beautiful Jennifer! Glad she arrived safe & sound!

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: She is beautiful!! I know what it is like having a 9pd baby, Mackenzie was 9 pounds 6 oz and she was my first baby!! ohmy.gif Congrats again!!!!!

CantWait replied: Congrats and thanks for posting your story. She's gorgeous. wub.gif wub.gif

mckayleesmom replied: awww,,,she looks like Brianna. Andrews face is priceless. Contratulations.

A&A'smommy replied: OMG she is SO beautiful!!!! love2.gif love2.gif AWWW Andrew looks VERY happy to meet her!! love2.gif

3xsthefun replied: She is so pretty! wub.gif Congrats! baby.gif

kit_kats_mom replied: She is beautiful! Congratulations!!

kimberley replied: wub.gif she is adorable! sounds like a good experience overall! congrats again and welcome home Lissie! wub.gif

Mom2Boyz replied: Awww she is precious wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif Sounds like you guys are doing great!!!

My2Boyz replied: How precious. She is soooo cute. I love the cheeks, they look so kissable. wub.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Oh she is so precious! I'm so glad everything went fairly smoothly for you Jen! Congratulations to you and your family!

Makes me want another one... bawling.gif

coasterqueen replied: She is so precious!!!!! wub.gif Congratulations again!!!!!!!!!!

3_call_me_mama replied: She's absolutely adorabel:) What a perfect little peson:) I love the pic with her adn andrew, too cute. Glad it went better than you thought it would adn that she arrived safe adn sound

amynicole21 replied: CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so glad it went well and there weren't any serious complications. Welcome Alyssa!! wub.gif

Emeraldsmom replied: baby.gif wub.gif Congrats. I am glad you are both home and doing well. She was a big girl!

Mommy2BAK replied: CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is beautiful!!!

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Congratulations. Alyssa looks absolutely beautiful.

mammag replied: Congratulations!!! She is soooo beautiful! I loved the picture with Andrew also. How cute!!! wub.gif

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