Wake a sleeping baby or not?
alice&arik wrote: I was thinking about when they are in there highchairs and they fall asleep. I was in a hurry when I was writing. But that is ok, thanks to who replied anyway!!!
Ok that didnt' work but anyway, you get the messege
I don't wake Arik when he falls asleep, I let him wake up. He usually will only sleep there for 20- 30 minutes. Unless I have to do something, then I will wake him up and lay him down, I was just curious to who wakes there babies. I always say, never wake a sleeping baby. I think i heard that somewhere b4 too.
MomofTay&Sam replied: I have never woke Sammy either. He enjoys his food too much to go to long.
MommyToAshley replied: When Ashley was first born, I woke her up every two or three hours to eat. I was told at the hospital that new babies don't always know what hunger feels like and don't wake up to eat sometimes.
However, there is no way I would wake her up now!
Kirstenmumof3 replied: I was always told to wake Claudia up every 2-3 hours to feed her. This drove me crazy and I stopped doing it! I would never wake a sleeping baby!
coasterqueen replied: Well, unfortunately when Kylie was wee wittle we woke her every 2 hours to nurse her like the hospital told us too. That was a big mistake DH thinks that's why she wakes every two hours now. We stopped waking her when she was a couple months old. Ohhhh well
Now the only time I wake her is when it is about 5 minutes from the time we need to leave to go to the sitter. I'm still late for work on those mornings, but oh well I hate to wake her when she sleeps in like that, but I can only be late for work so many times.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: My dad always told me to never wake a sleeping baby! Maddie was pretty good about waking up to nurse. The only time I woke her to eat was when she fell asleep nursing the first couple of weeks she was home. Other than that, I don't remember her sleeping at all! Just Kidding! I tried to always let her get her naps out.
supermom replied: Because we had some problems with Anders with jaundice because he didn't nurse enough, I woke Emily the first two nights to eat - actually, the first couple of days if she hadn't work up in about 4 hours, I woke her to eat. I never had to worry about that with my older ones, they woke up themselves......
~CrazieMama~ replied: No, I say let the baby sleep. I don't wake Brianna unless I have to, which is usually when we are getting out of the car.
ediep replied: I never woke up Jason to eat...he always woke up, now the only time I wake him up is if we have to go somewhere and he is sleeping in him crib.
mckayleesmom replied: No way jose......I never woke Mckaylee
dolfinrse replied: In the beginning we woke Zack up to eat, but then he started sleeping more than 3 hours, so we let him sleep until he wakes up now, unless we have to go somewhere.
paradisemommy replied: never wake a sleeping baby..dh did a couple times when taven was smaller and boy did he regret it..after that...we NEVER woke him unless we had to go somewhere
CantWait replied: I say no....Anthony will sometimes fall asleep in his swing or in my arms and everytime I go to move him, he wakes up and stays up,,,,,,then I'm stuck with a cranky baby, or one that takes a nap at 6:00pm and doesn't go to bed till midnight.
Schnoogly replied: Well, in the beginning we had to wake him every three hours to eat so he wouldn't get dehydrated (cardiologist's orders) and we did have to wake him during the day too since he was so sleepy from the meds and the surgery. But after he was about a month old he woke himself up to eat, and still does! Now I would never ever ever wake him up, he sleeps badly enough as it is.
Fall asleep in the highchair??? Do babies actually do this? Just not mine I guess
Kaitlin'smom replied: nope I never woke her up to eat, she was good about doing that on her own. The only time I wake her is when I have to leave for work, othere wise if we have to go somewhere and she is sleeping I dont wake her I just go late (I hate being late) but most people understand, and when I make plans I tell them that if Kaitlin is a sleep before we go then we will be late. SO other than having ot go to work I Never wake her up.
aspenblue1 replied: I don't wake Isabella up unless we have to be somewhere.
Kirstenmumof3 replied: You are not alone! When my first DD was about a year old, I got a job working 3-11 at a chip truck. So DH would have to come home and cook supper. To keep her amuzed he put her in the highchair and start making supper. Every night he said he would go to serve her supper and she would be sound asleep in the highchair!