Think they look alike?
kit_kats_mom wrote: I was kind of bored so I made this today. Both girls are 6 weeks in the pics
coasterqueen replied: Well at first I wanna say no, but the more I look they do look a lot a like.
BTW, how is being a mommy of two? I'm starting to really FREAK out at the thought of having two. Kinda late for that i know, but I remember when you went through that. Just wondering how it is now that you are one .
Kaitlin'smom replied: I had to look a bit but yes I can tell they are sisters
A&A'smommy replied: Yes and no Lauren is definitely has darker skin than K and there noses are somewhat similar but after that you can really see the resemblances!!
kit_kats_mom replied: It's not bad at all as long as I'm not alone with both girls for too long. It usually gets a bit hairy during the 2 hours between me picking K up and DH coming home. But it would probably not be so bad if I didn't worry about dinner until he showed up. When daddy is home, he usually has K duties while I tend to Lauren. We usually let K watch a video & we take turns holding Lauren before bed so that we each get about a half hour a day without kids
It helps that Lauren is pretty easy compared to K at this age and K loves her sister so not too much jealousy,
Kirstenmumof3 replied: Awww they are both so sweet! They definately look like sisters! I remember how hard it was going from 1 to 2. I had both of them all day by myself. I was lucky that Emily was pretty independant at that age and would sit and colour or play with her toys while I nursed Spencer.
kimberley replied: awww no doubt they are sisters! very cute
iluvmysweetiepies replied: Aww! I think they look like sisters!
jdkjd replied: There is a nice mix of being able to tell that they are related and them looking different.
I'm not sure people are going to be able to tell that Kiera and Bailey are related at all...
MomToMany replied: I think they look a lot alike!! Definitely sisters!
DansMom replied: They could be twins! That is so funny.
jcc64 replied: Same nose, same exact hairline!
Jamison'smama replied: Both beautiful---wow, I love the difference in their coloring! Are their eyes as similar as they look?
kit_kats_mom replied: I didn't think so at first, K has light blue puppy dog eyes now and Lauren's are just brown, wide and starey (I know that's not a word LOL). However, looking at the pictures side by side of them at the same age, Lauren's may be the same.
chloe&tysmommy replied: awe I think they look similar
MommyToAshley replied: They look ALOT alike to me... and they are both BEAUTIFUL!
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Cary I think they look like twins!! Lauren definetly looks just like you!