That's it. We are outta here. - Fleeing
kit_kats_mom wrote: Well, that hurricane is projected to be a cat 3 which means sustained winds of 111+. It is also projected to go right over our house. We are going to my mom's house a few hours north of here. Tons of people are evacuating so it won't be fun but hopefully the traffic won't be too bad. I sure don't want to be stuck on the interstate during a hurricane! UGH
DH has to go into work for an hour or two then he's coming home and we will board up the windows and go.
I hope everything is still here when we get home.
TeagansMom609 replied: OMG thats so scary! Good luck I hope you get to your Moms safely.
Littlejojames replied: OMG Hope that everything is good when you get back
How scary though?!!
amynicole21 replied: Crap. Hoping it veers away... stay safe!!
Kirstenmumof3 replied: I'm so sorry you have to leave your home! Stay Safe and I hope everything is there when you get back!
Jamison'smama replied: Best of luck----stay safe!!
ediep replied: OH NO!!! Good Luck! Stay Safe!!!
Boys r us replied: Be safe!! Let us know you're okay as soon as you can that you all are okay!
coasterqueen replied: Oh no! Be safe and try to update us when you can.
Kaitlin'smom replied: be safe! please update us when you can, we will all be worried
DansMom replied: When I was watching the news last night, I wondered which of the parents on this forum would be affected by this hurricane. Stay safe!
jcc64 replied: Yikes, Cary, just what you need! Stay safe- we'll be thinking of you.
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I would be doing the same thing in your shoes. Get you and your family out of there. Please stay safe and let us know you are all right when you can.
amynicole21 replied: Holy crap - it's a category 4 now!! Tornado warnings all over the place... Ugh. I hope you've left by now!!!
My2Beauties replied: OMG be safe and get the heck outta there! That is so scary, my friend was down in Florida when the tropical storm hit and she left immediately, us Kentuckians aren't used to those darned things!
Kit_Kat's Mom replied: We are safe and sound at my moms in the panhandle of FL. I can't believe that it increased from a projected cat 3 to a 4 in the 4 hours it took me to get here. I think Tampa is prepared for it but Im not sure about those people in the Ft Meyers Area. It looks like we will not bear the brunt of it anymore but you never know with these things until they are over. I'm still guessing we will end up with 100 m ph winds in our neighborhood.
Amy Nicole-Hopefully the weather channel guy was right when he said that when it hits Orlando, it will probalby have winds of 50-70 mph....that's doable...still not good but I'm hoping that you fare ok. Hunker down and pop in to let us know how you do.
If it's any consolation, all I saw going south on the Interstate were construction/power and military vehicles. They aren't playing games with this one.
DH will head back tomorrow if the reports aren't too bad to see if we still have a roof or if our house has floated away I"m sure I'll be up most of the night stressing out. bah!
chloe&tysmommy replied: OMG how aweful!!! Glad you got to your moms safely!!!
AshleyRose replied: I am very glad that you didn't relocate to a place that would have been worse than Tampa. Since your last post the direction of this hurricane has been very unpredictable. Brad and I have tons of family in Tampa and they are all just chilling... no problem. I also hope that the people who fleed Tampa didn't relocate themselves in a worse location. This hurricane cannot make up his mind!! Cat wise and direction wise!!!!
kit_kat's_mom replied: That's totally true. Unfortunatelly, I know for a fact that officials from Tampa were encouraging evacuees to go east rather than north. That means a lot of folks may still be right in charlies path.
MommyToAshley replied: Glad you made it to your Mom's house safe and sound. Thanks for popping in to let us know, we were all worried about you and the others in FL.
momof2girls replied: It missed the Tampa area totally WHEW but I feel bad for all the families that did get hit from what Ive seen alot of damage!
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I'm glad that you are safe Cary. My Mom and Dad did all right and so did my other family members as far as I know. My parents never lost power or phones and the house is all right. I hope you are doing all right Amy. At this moment Charley is in the Orlando area and it's still a Cat 3. This is a history making one guys. I hope everyone in the storms path is safe tonight.
A&A'smommy replied: I'm glad you are alright now! I hope that you are able to come home soon!