Sooo ready to have this kid
Bamamom wrote: Yesterday I was 50% effaced and a fingertip dialated. I've been having mild contractions all day. Yall send some labor dust this way - I'm ready to meet this baby!!!!!!
Danalana replied: Oh exciting!
hopefulmomtobe replied: Wishing you tons of labor dust!!!!
Crystalina replied: Labor cometh quickly!!!!
to you.
Calimama replied: Sounds like it's going to be soon! Tons of ELV'S coming your way!
DillsMommy replied: wow, your so close. ~~ quick easy labor vibes~~ comin' your way!!
3xsthefun replied: Lots of ~ELV!!~
redplaydoh replied: Lots of fast ELV coming your way. Why do I get so jealous of women about to give birth??? I loved labor and delivery so much I wish I could birth a baby every day.
moped replied: WOW I have never heard that in my life - you are a good woman!
luvmykids replied: Lots of ~~~~~~ELV's~~~~~~~~ and be sure to KUP!
Bamamom replied: Thanks guys! I'm so excited. I just want to know if Katie Grace or Luke is currently getting fat inside of me!!! I can hardly wait to meet my kid!
CantWait replied: Sending ~~~~~ELV~~~~~~, hopefully not much longer. Hang in there.
Twelve Volt Man replied: Good luck!