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Posting / Replying

Bee_Kay wrote: Do any of you post / reply more than you really intend to?

Sometimes I think "OMG I am posting/replying WAY too much LOL I am such a board hog sometimes", but I actually really care about things on here...

Monica's hair wink.gif (cant wait to see a pic)
McKaylee's latest shenanigans
How Russell is surviving today wink.gif
How Spencer is feeling that day
How Nicoles weekend went
How Shelly is feeling
How Judy's kids are doing in school
Seeing pics of Tanner
Reading about Camerons Bday party
Or hearing about the new Navigator (today was driving day) wink.gif

I could really go on and on and on (seriously) wink.gif . I love reading about everyone's stories and I really like replying... and I hate leaving people out (like on my above list).
Then I peek at my daily posts and I am like OMG! LOL!

Anyways, I am rambling on like usual... so my question is... do you ever think you post/reply too much??

Crystalina replied: I don't think you CAN post/reply too much can you? If we all thought we did this board would never move. tongue.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: Sometimes I feel like I dont post to everyone because I am still new here and don't know people yet. I'm getting there though....and REALLY enjoy hanging out here!! Love hearing about whats going on with everyone and their kids. Makes me feel a little more conected to the world!!

luvbug00 replied: I don't post to everyone only because I couldn't possbily keep up emlaugh.gif
I try very hard to post to everyone in every forem because I think about all of you and want to keep up on your lives as I believe you try and suffer threw mine. I don't think one can post too much but that's just me..

kayla's mama replied: I don't think that I post too much but my problem is being on here to much.

Jason gets so tired of me saying "so in so is doing this or so in so is doing that" He just rolls his eyes.

Back to your question.....No I don't really think I reply too much but sometimes I do feel as though I don't say enough, does that even make sense huh.gif

Bee_Kay replied:

That is exactly how I feel. I hate when I happen to overlook a post and I feel crappy for replying a day or two late.
I don't know, I'm weird like that I guess rolleyes.gif

LOL, I jump all over the place on here..... breastfeeding, toddler, infant, pregnancy.... none of which that I do/have anymore LOL!! tongue.gif

b&bsmom replied: I am in the same group that thinks they don't reply enough. I don't get the chance and sometimes just don't know what to say. I don't think you can reply too much. Each reply you make is usually making someone else's day a little brighter. biggrin.gif

ashtonsmama replied: Well, since I'm still relatively new, I feel like posting/replying alot does help me get to know people better, and I've looked at the topic listing thing sometimes after being on here awhile and seen my name next to a ton of topics!
So if I am being a "board hog" or anything, please let me know! I am a bit of a postaholic, but I just like to keep up with everyone and see what's going on for I'm with you!

luvmykids replied: I consider the people here friends as much as any IRL, and I'm like you, I genuinely want to know whats going on with everybody. I don't get to post all the times I want to, I mean to go back later and sometimes don't and then I feel bad lol I'm sure no one is devastated if I don't reply to their thread but I still feel bad because I don't want someone to think I don't care! (In case they do care wether I care or not! rolling_smile.gif )

BTW-I'll try to post a pic of my hair tomorrow. I keep forgetting to get batteries for the camera! huh.gif

Bee_Kay replied:
LOL! I know what you mean about a "board hog". My name also seems to consume the list at times. I peek at the "Today's top ten posters" and it is usually mine, Monica's and Brianne's names at the top blush.gif

I post all over the place...
breastfeeding, pregnancy, toddlers, infancy, ect... (none of which I have/do anymore) LOL !!!! wink.gif

holley79 replied: Yep I could sit here for hours posting and replying. I tell myself I am just going to log in and see how things are going then I get "sucked" in. rolling_smile.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: Lol I definitely don't over post. I don't reply to half the stuff I want to - I just don't have the time. wacko.gif

Bee_Kay replied: I post as much as I can smile.gif

When I haven't been on in a couple days, I actually do back and read the posts I've missed, and replied to some.

CAMSMOM1 replied: I used to post all the time! blush.gif After that little break I had, it's taken me awhile to feel caught up with things on here. I swear, 7 days gone & I feel I missed out on all the latest news! emlaugh.gif

It's funny how time works on here, it seems to go by so fast! I could be on here for 3 hours, and not post as much as I want to. Probably cause I'm busy with PM's. But I love reading the latest on everyone, and I try to reply back to the posts I read.

I don't think anyone here is a post hog. We all do our share of posts, and if we didn't, this board would be boring. KWIM? So keep on posting ladies, it's nice to read up on everyone. thumb.gif

btw..have you ever looked at how many posts you average a day? (0n my controls?) I think it said I average 20 posts a day! Wow! laugh.gif

Bee_Kay replied:

I have!! unsure.gif

Sometimes I look and think... I should really leave the house more often blush.gif

Hmmm.. Actually I just looked and my average is 18 per day! I thought for sure it would have been more than that blink.gif

luvmykids replied: My average is 44!!! No wonder my house is such a mess rolling_smile.gif

Bee_Kay replied:

luvmykids replied:
Guess it's all that talk about cell phones and leopard print g strings emlaugh.gif You know, important stuff!

Bee_Kay replied: Yep! wink.gif

Bee_Kay replied: Speaking of.....

OMG! I just glanced at my total posts....

I had NO IDEA! I thought I was still sitting around 700 - 800 or so! blink.gif

Bee_Kay replied: Here is my 1000th posts. I am shocked!! blink.gif

NEWMOM05 replied: I don't think I get a chance each day to reply to all the posts. I also don't like to leave anyone out so I try to update nightly. wacko.gif

PrairieMom replied: I don't feel like i reply to much, but sometimes time gets away from me, and I realize I have been sitting here for over an hour, and really I should be getting other things done. Things here are just more interesting! laugh.gif

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