Poo poo in the potty!!
amynicole21 wrote: Last night, Sophia went poo poo in the potty for the first time!! Of course, it freaked her out and she cried the whole time DH had to hug her while she sat on the potty. But when she was done, she was so proud!! They both had to come get me to show me She's gone 2x since. Ahh, parenthood! ... It's strange to be so proud of a poop.
ediep replied: wow!! What a big girl!!! Jason is nowhere near ready to potty train yet!
Kirstenmumof3 replied: WTG SOPHIA! Such a big girl now!
alice&arik replied: WTG Sophia!!! That's awesome! Keep up the good work!
paradisemommy replied: woo hoo wtg sophia..what a big girl!!
MommyToAshley replied: WTG Sophia!!! WHat a big girl!
I am going to start working with Ashley on potty training next week....any tips?
Jamison'smama replied: WTG!!! I would love to start potty training Jamison but she shows NO signs of readiness
CantWait replied: LOL, that's awesome news. WTG Sophia for pooping
amynicole21 replied: All we really did was sit her on the potty right before bathtime. SHe thought it was great fun, but didn't even pee for several weeks. One day, she peed purely by accident I think, but we made a HUGE deal about it she got the idea that she did something right She still views it as sort of a game, and is in no way near completely trained. But I figure that if we just keep at it, she'll make the decision to go full time on her own.
chloe&tysmommy replied: WTG Sophia!!! She's such a big girl already!!!
I can't wait to start training Chloe but I know that won't be for awhile
aspenblue1 replied: WTG Sophia!!
DansMom replied: Woo hoo!! What a big girl!!
coasterqueen replied: WTG Sophia!!!!! Wahoo! I'm so excited for you Amy. Hopefully she is on the road to complete potty training!!!
Kylie was interested in the potty for so long, but now doesn't care 2 cents about it. So I have just decided to let it be and she'll just be a late learner in this area.
jem0622 replied: WTG Sophia! Woo hoo! I found that having Nathan poop AFTER bath was a lot easier. His tummy was relaxed and he didn't have to work so hard to poop.
kimberley replied: WTG Sophia! what a big girl!!!