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Pet Peeves?

Hillbilly Housewife wrote: What is your biggest pet peeve?

Mine is when I make dinner, and I put the food onto plates, I ask him to set the table whike I finish serving - he takes *1* fork, *1* knife, *1* cup, takes *1* plate onto the table, and starts eating.


It's pretty dumb, but I wish he'd take a fork, knife and cup out for me too!!! heh heh


TLCDad replied: LOL... Mine would have to be people talking during a movie. Especially if they are talking about the movie because they seen it before and I have not ohmy.gif

Schnoogly replied: People who pass me on the right on a two-lane road just to get to the stop sign 2 seconds before me. I live in Southern Cal. and the drivers are so awful here. I narrowly miss accidents almost every time I leave my house. (got rear ended on freeway by driver going 75 last year--totalled my 3 week old car & put me & friend in hospital, 6 weeks of physical therapy...lawsuit still not resolved!!) mad.gif


MommyToAshley replied: I would have to say mine is when I say/ask something to the DH and he doesn't reply. So, I say it again and he replies with "you already said that". WELL, if you would acknowledge me, then I would KNOW you heard me.

Other than that, TLCDad is the perfect Dad and DH. wub.gif So, I guess I can't complain too much.

MommyToAshley replied: I do that. rolling_smile.gif

momofajcl replied: People who talk on their cell phone while driving their car and pay more attention to their conversation than they do driving so that they are going 45 MPH in the fast lane of the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!

Oh...and going thru the drive-thru and getting home to find they forgot to put something in the bags.

jdkjd replied:
Does "TLCDad" have a response...?


(It's so fun having both of you on the board!) biggrin.gif

momofajcl replied: rolling_smile.gif laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif OK..I can't resist this one...people who play the fun movie game all by themselves! ROFLMBOPIMP! Sorry! I'm just kidding ya and I just couldn't resist! LOL!
rolling_smile.gif laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif

ashade75 replied:
Opps Sorry momofajcl, I do that. I have caught myself several times slowing down because Im on the phone. I am working on NOT using the phone and driving at the same time. user posted image

ashade75 replied: My pet peeve has to be when someone asks you to get something done and you tell them you can have it done by a certain day/time and then they ask you the very next hour when it will be done. Like asking will get it done faster or something. UUUUUggggghhhhhh dunno.gif

momofajcl replied:
ROFL! So that was YOU, huh? LOL!

ashade75 replied:
You dont drive a silver Dodge Caravan do you?? That lady was pretty mad!!


Hillbilly Housewife replied:
blush.gif Hey!! (lol!!) unsure.gif

It's not MY fault you're too slow... (just kiding!!!!)

I'm leaving it alone for a while.... just going to jmp in now and then... lol!!


momofajcl replied:
LOL! Nope!

MommyToAshley replied: I have seen her driving when she is NOT on the phone and I would not be caught on the sidewalks. tank.gif I would hate to see her driving while on the phone.

I love my sis, but I don't love being in the passenger seat! biggrin.gif

ashade75 replied: unsure.gif Quilty as charge!! I am probably the world's worst driver. Insurance rates reflect that!!

supermom replied: My biggest pet peeve is Telemarketers that aren't on the line when you answer the phone - like for example at work, and I answer the phone "FEN, this is Beverly" hear silence, then someone FINALLY comes on the line and says "Can I speak to Beverly?".......I polietly inform them that if they would have been ON the phone when I answered, they would KNOW that was who they were talking to.....then I hang up!!

I am almost embarassed to say that my two oldest went to work at a local Telemarketing firm two weeks ago - they are both still in High School, but working's good money, but .......... oh,

dhoppygirl replied: One of mine would have to be the stupid people who don't realize where a school zone ends and get right up on my rear end....or those trying to pass me so they can go fast...
I drive through a school zone every morning and there is a stop light in between the flashing school zone lights and some people don't understand that just because they are past a stop light doesn't mean they can speed up!!!! UUUUUGGGGHHHH....
BTW, I am a real jerk, sometimes I slow down to 15 and then as soon as I pass the flashing lights I speed up real fast and give people really dirty looks mad.gif and mouth things I shouldn't be saying! Hello, doesn't everyone know a child somehow? Plus, it isn't like its going to add much time to their commute...its Boise, ID!!

Okay, I'm done... soapbox.gif

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