Omg, check this kid out!
cameragirl21 wrote: holy crap! she's got some great stage presence too.
MoonMama replied: Wow! She's adorable too!
DVFlyer replied: Wow.... my back hurts just watching her...
jcc64 replied: Let's sign that girl up for Corey's gymnastics team! I wonder how old she is--what do you think?
Kaitlin'smom replied: she is cute, the stage sure loves her.
My2Beauties replied: She is adorable. Wow I've never seen a child that small do that well at gymnastics. WOW!
PrairieMom replied: 3 1/2? 4-ish? her face looks real young, but there is no way a child much younger than that could remember a routine that long.
cameragirl21 replied: I was gonna say I think she's about 4. Watching her move made my neck hurt but she seemed like she was loving every minute of it. She sure loves the spotlight, too. I know it's lame but if that was my daughter I'd probably not let her do all that stuff with her neck, like balancing pretty much her whole body on it. I loved watching her but parts of it made me cringe. I have this bizarre fear of neck injuries, though.
Kirstenmumof3 replied: OMG that was so cute! That little girl certainly has a lot of talent!!!
jcc64 replied: When your kid does gymnastics, you have to let go of that fear, Jen, and believe me, it's so not easy. Corey is the smallest kid on her team (actually, she's probably about the same size as that kid on the video, though a few years older, I'm sure), and when I watch her flipping around on the high bar, it totally freaks me out. More than once, I've gasped out loud, which is a no-no at practice, but I couldn't help myself. Gymnastics has as high an incidence of injuries as varsity football. Why do my kids always choose these sports?!
cameragirl21 replied: maybe you could take a video of her doing that and show us, or email it to me if you don't want to make it public. I would love to see her doing that. I took gymnastics for a few years and let's just say it was never my thing and I was never very good at it. I'd love to see Corey on the high bar. I know you have to let go of that fear but flipping around is one thing, doing unnatural things with your neck is another. What that girl did with her neck just plain freaked me out. But she is so good at it and so cute and has such stage presence.
jcc64 replied: Hey Jen- I showed Corey that video and she was completely mesmerized by it. She of course then had to figure out how to also do that backbend /roll/ scary neck maneuver, and she got it on the first try. Corey can actually do everything that little girl can do, with the exception of the no handed back handspring, which I know is called something else...a back pike, maybe?? Sorry for the shameless brag! Someday I'll figure out how to upload a video file and show you all.
cameragirl21 replied: omg, Jeanne, Idk if that's good or bad. Obviously, she's a great gymnast but I'm telling you no kid of mine will ever do that creepy neck move, no way. Unless they want to kill me quickly because I think that would just about give me a heart attack. Ask your techy husband how to load the video to youtube, I want to see!