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Oh my dady just gets better and better - I made her CRY

Josie83 wrote: Ugh I am having the worst day! If you read my other posts you'll understand why, basically I am ust feeling bad about never really seeing Cassie and her telling me to do my work while she plays with Daddy sad.gif Well I just had a rehearsal and as many of you know there is a certain person I have to rehearse with who I would ratheer NOT and he has been bugging me all afternoon

ANYWAY Jason and Cassie come to pick me up and Cassie is a little bit quiet in the car, Jason says she has been asking when I am going to be back since I went. when we got in the house I was talking to Jason in the kitchen and she comes in and she wants him for something. Without going into touch much detail, I tel her that she can't have any sweets because its going to be a while for dinner. She is not happy with that and tries to argue the point with me, and then eventually tells me to shut up! ohmy.gif (well, sut up, but you know wink.gif)

Okay she has never said that to me before. And I know its not swearing or anything but I don't want to hear her say that. I asked her to repeat what she said and she wouldn't, and I said did you just tell me to shut up? and she nods. Jason (who is obviously the one she has heard it off anyway) says don't you say that to your mother. And Cassie says "My mummy's nasty to me!"

I said Cassandra, just because I am telling something you don't want to hear, doesn't mean that I am nasty to you. Go and play with baby Megan while i talk to Daddy, one of us will come and play with you in a minute. The resonse to this is "No, you're nasty I want my daddy." followed by her bursting into tears and burying her head in Jason's legs. And now she WILL NOT talk to me

Ugh don't I just feel like the BEST mumy ever sad.gif xx

ammommy replied: Oh, Josie, I'm sorry. That had to hurt. Just try to remember that she really doesn't mean what she is saying. She's just mad at you. grouphug.gif and I hope your week gets better.

Kirstenmumof3 replied: grouphug.gif Awwww Josie, I'm so sorry she is doing this to you! Try not to take it too personally! Try to spend some quality time with her this afternoon! grouphug.gif

PascosGirl replied: Children say things to purposely try and get a response from you. She certainly doesn't mean it. My 5 year old used to say things like, "I want a new mom" and "you aren't fun like dad is" and it used to hurt my feelings. Now, I try and not let it get to me.

I hope your week gets better!

5littleladies replied: Lots and lots of grouphug.gif Josie! You are not a bad mommy. Cassie is just going through a difficult time right now. Just try and spend some extra special "Mommy and Cassie" time with her. She will get past this. Hang in there-It's not always easy being a mommy. grouphug.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Don't feel bad hun...she is just learning to express her feelings although they don't use the right words when doing it. Taking away candy is like losing a limb to them. You should be glad that all she did was say a few nasty words...try telling McKaylee NO to candy and she throws herself on the floor..bangs her head..screams at the top of her lungs...gets up and runs to a wall and smashes herself into it...and it goes on and on. Then 10 minutes later I find her standing on her highchair trying to reach the candy. rolling_smile.gif

TANNER'S MOM replied: All kids do this Jos. If you were there all the time..she would still do it. I promise. All kids even play Mummy against Daddy and back.

It hurts but it is normal childhood. I think you did get with her getting cheecky w/ ( I am having fun with my new words).

She needed to be talked down too, now you understand the this hurts me worse then it does you theory.

The best thing about kids is in a little while she will totally forget. And u be #1 again in short time..


Josie83 replied: Thanks everyone, Mel, thank you so much! That is JUST what I needed to hear. i just feel awful wen I haven't seen her for a couple of hours and the first thing that i do is make her cry sad.gif You're right, she'll get over it. But this child can bear a grudge almost as wel as her father dry.gif so I'm ging to give her a while. I know this girl and its best for her to come to me rolleyes.gif And by the way, thanks for dumbing your post down into English speak! I LOVE the phrase cheeky and she was being exactly that! laugh.gif xx

kit_kats_mom replied: Try not to let it hurt your feelings. K bounces between favorite parents and right now, that happens to be daddy. I don't like it when I ask her to come sit with me and she says "no, I want to sit with my dad" and curls up next to him, but I understand that it's normal behavior and I try to let it go.

Maybe try to have a talk with her when there are no distractions. Turn off the tele ( tongue.gif ) and get down on your knees to her level. Tell her that you want to talk to her about something important and explain how you feel when she says/does things like that. Ask her if there is anything besides just not getting to rule the house, that is bothering her. You may be able to ferret out the real reason behind her attitude.


GavinsMommy replied: Poor Josie!!! And Cassie, lol. I'm sorry, that must have hurt your feelings pretty badly. I would have been hurt if it were me. sad.gif Try not to let it get to you, like the other said she didn't mean it! Children go through stages and a lot of the time, they don't even know what they're talking about! grouphug.gif

Josie83 replied: Ugh i'm off to try and get her out of her strop . . . wish me luck rolleyes.gif xx

MichaelsMommy replied: Aww.. she's just a babe, its just words hang in there!

mammag replied: I know it kids have done that to me before. You did the best thing by calling her on it. She'll learn not to talk to you that way. She still loves her mommy....don't worry. grouphug.gif

A&A'smommy replied: awwwww Joise we ALL have bad days!! You are a WONDERFUL mother it will get better she will be okay.(((((HUGS))))) I hope your day gets better!

Josie83 replied: I had a talk to her wink.gif I told her that I was sorry that i had to school and that I know she misses me but sometimes it can't be helped. I told her that it makes me sad when she says hurtful things to me and she told me sorry wub.gif I asked her if she was angry with mummy and she said "I miss you when you're at stool" wub.gif Which I knew already . . . but still, not nice to hear. I told her she knows I'll always come back and she had daddy to play with. The she gave me the BIGGEST kiss and cuddle and said "I'm sorry Mummy!" and started crying all over again! I think she's just a bit confused at the minute . . . when she starts nursery she should have a bit more stability to her day and my work at school isn't supposed to be as bad next semester . . . so hopefully that'l get better. We're making such a mess of our baby! bawling.gif sad.gif xx

PascosGirl replied: Kids are pretty resiliant. I don't think you are causing any damage to your baby by going to school. I was finishing up my degree when my first son was little. He doesn't seem to have been effected by that. Don't be too hard on yourself. biggrin.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Geez, I don't know how I missed this! sad.gif I'm glad the two of you made up. I know how hurtful that can be. I agree with everyone else here. She will be just fine. wink.gif You and Jason are doing a great job parenting her. grouphug.gif

Josie83 replied: Don't worry Aimee. thanks so much for the compliment blush.gif It really does mean a lot. It was so weird, I've never had attitude like that from her. I think she's picked "shut up" from my darling husband dry.gif and she didn't realise it was naughty to say it wink.gif She was fine when we put her to bed though thumb.gif Thanks for everyone's help on this btw! smile.gif xx

~Roo'sMama~ replied: Aw I'm glad you got to have a talk with her and things are better now! smile.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: sad.gif oh how sad

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