Maybe a stupid question but - how young is too young
grapfruit wrote: for baby food?
I mean when did you start feeding, lets say:
peas green beans carrots squash sweet potatoes
And how long between them etc. Like is it ok to feed them in the same day? Do you need to wait 3-5 days between? What should you wait to feed.....on and on.
Calimama replied: We started her at 6 months I believe. We did one kind a week so we could see if she had an allergies.
So um.. having a baby there Casey?..
grapfruit replied: LoL, I WISH! No, lets just leave it at "I'm curious" for now...
So "hypothetically" all those foods at once at, let's pretend the baby is, 3 months and 2 weeks old, would be too much too soon? On top of that, lets throw a minor surgery and RSV all w/in the last 3 weeks. (We're pretending of course). Would this all be, not so good?
Calimama replied: IMO yes, that would be too soon. My pediatrician told me the only nutrition they need is that age, comes from formula or breast milk. I know some mom's start their kids on baby food at like 4 months. It's just not for us.
Kentuckychick replied: 6 months is the recommended age because of allergies, typically if it's recommended a baby is given any solids before then it's rice cereal (ie; if the baby just doesn't seem to be getting enough or is spitupy or colicky).
And Bellasmommy is right on, adding one per week helps figure out if a certain food is upsetting the tummy or causing constipation or if there's an allergy.
grapfruit replied: Thanks guys, that's JUST what I thought.....
Hopefully all will be ok.
Kentuckychick replied: Hypothetically I'd say it's not a good idea at all... hypothetically
PS. I'd refer this "hypothetical" person to a good pediatrician or google.
grapfruit replied: Well this "hypothetical" person is actually being taken to Children's again b/c the "hypothetical" son has a swollen testical. I'll get a pretend phone call at some point for a pretend update
Thanks guys, you're always such a big help
Calimama replied: Poor baby! Surgery, RSV, and now this? I hope the little guy catches a break soon.
grapfruit replied: No kidding.
The surgery wasn't to major. Just to take out "extra" skin. And the RSV wasn't bad enough to admit him, so I suppose that was good. I have NO clue about the latest though.....
A&A'smommy replied: a lot of people say 4months for baby food but I think thats too early early 6months for baby food and you should wait about a day or two in between introducing foods and you start with veggies and then introduce fruits
luvbug00 replied: for us it was rice ceral from 3.5-4 months then on to peas and such at 4 months and from then on we just stayed away from the honey and stuff they say to until a year.
luvmykids replied: I agree, I think a day or two between new foods is long enough to tell if there is a reaction or not.
A&A'smommy replied: If they are allergic they will start to show symptoms within 2-4 hours and definitely within a 24 hour period
Kentuckychick replied: Sometimes it takes multiple exposures for a reaction to occur and some reactions can be mistaken for other things (cold, virus, etc...) that's why they recommend a longer period in between.
Boo&BugsMom replied: Both boys started at 3 months here. You have to give consideration to the size of the baby as well and their needs. Both my boys were huge and big eaters. I never followed any "rules". I just used my common sense and maternal instinct. Allergies also do not run in our family. Both my boys have always started new foods early. Aiden has been on all table food since he was 6 months (along with bottles) and Tanner was on all table food by 9 months (without bottles). Some kids just need more substance early, others do not.
Boo&BugsMom replied: In THIS situation, I wouldn't. Not so much because of age, but because of illness. I'd wait until he was better and fully recooperated (sp?) and I also would not feed ALL of those in one day at that age. I did follow one rule semi-sort of, and I never introduced more than one food each day.