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Maxi Pads - weird question

Mommy2Isabella wrote: Sal and I are going to go hospital shopping ... maybe tonight if the weather doesn't get to nasty! But, I know Maxi pads are a MUST, well I have never had to buy any of that stuff, so ...can anyone help me out ...

boyohboyohboy replied: I preferred the ones the hosp gave me, they are longer then regular ones, but at home I use the always with the dry weave..

luvbug00 replied: After birth you are gonna need the thickest pads you can find. No joke! Dry weve is good and don't foreget there may be more then just a pad if you deliver naturaly because many woman get hemroids and you may have to line your pad with tux pads too. Sorry to be TMI but it's true. happy.gif

1lilpeanut2love replied: I liked the hospital ones better too. I also used depends-- don't laugh they worked great!! LOL! I never leaked blood wearing the depends. blush.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: I also used the ones from the hospital for a while after going home. They are thick and home I use Always with wings....but I dont have much of an AF anymore with the I'm not much help knowing what is good for heavy flow.

Ashlynn's Mommy replied:
iagree.gif They are the best to use after you have a baby.

5littleladies replied: I always use the ones the hospital gives me at first, but they are really thick and bulky so I switch after a day or so to Always ultra thin with wings. I get the long ones and they work great and aren't obnoxiously huge. wink.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied:
thumb.gif They would be my recommendation also. They have the dry weave and work great!

MyLuvBugs replied: I agree with the other moms. The Longest and Thickest pads you can find are the best! smile.gif And just in case your hospital doesn't provide any....get some tucks pads for swelling in that area. They'll really help. Trust me! wink.gif

mammag replied: Ooh, those are unpleasant memories. I pretty much just bought the thin supers and they worked great. The hospital was also kind enough to give me these super attractive fishnet underwear things. The first time I had to wear those I was humiliated! My sister never had those though so hopefully you won't.

PrairieMom replied:
I got those too, for a few days after I got out of the hospital. It is TOOOOO hot for those big bulky things!

CantWait replied: Use the hospital ones first, then if you run out, you'll need the thickest and longest ones you can find. Wear old granny underwear also. You'll be sure to leak, a lot.

MomToJade&Jordan replied:
Ah yes the fishnet underwear. blink.gif Both of the military hospitals I gave birth in gave me those. They were also nice enough to give me the super long pads and the tucks. When I got home from the hospital I used the Always overnights. They were perfect.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Yep, I had the fishnet underwear too...but hey, they keep those HUGE hospital pads in place, right? If you run out of the ones that the hospital gives you, I reccomend the thickest Always that they sell. Extra long too! And buy a container of Tucks as well. Believe me, you'll need them if you have a vag delivery. thumb.gif

Jamison'smama replied: Oh man, those are some unpleasant memories. I agree with everyone else--those fishnet underwear were awful! I wore my maternity underwear for a few weeks afterwards (even when they were huge) so that I didn't ruin the good pairs then threw those nasty things away!

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
dito.gif I switched from the hospital ones to always maxi pads with wings(the thicker ones) while I was still in the hospital, but after I got home I went to good old regular Always ultra thin with wings. thumb.gif I really didn't bleed very heavily after the first day. wink.gif

Mommy2Isabella replied: THANKS LADIES!! I have NEVER had to buy any type of those products so Sal and I didn't want to go and buy them and stand there and try to choose ... haha he said I could always ask if I could try them on ... but I WOULD RATHER NOT! hahaH... but he said he will ask the ppl at the hospital recommend for when you come home and he will go get those ... smile.gif man he is great!!!

Kaitlin'smom replied:
huh?????? never???? wink.gif

MyBlueEyedBabies replied: I recommend the super thin and long overnight ones with maximum absorbency...the thick ones killed me where the stitches were.

Mommy2Isabella replied: yes never !!! LOL, I have never had my period, so that is why Sal and I were so SHOCKED to find I was PG. Also, with the issues I have ... but yes ... sorry if that makes you HATE me .. but NEVER! Now, I am scared that I will start to have my period now that my body has gone thru a "cycle" enabeling me to get PG ... but who knows, LETS HOPE NOT I wouldn't have the slightest Idea of what to do!!

MyLuvBugs replied:
My cousin was exactly like you. She NEVER had a period until she got PG. BUT she had trouble conceiving b/c her hormones were in a pre-pubesent state, causing her to never have a period. But after 5 years of trying she and her hubby ended up PG. Miracles happen. smile.gif

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: I used the overnight maxi pads from always with the wings. They worked pretty good!

gr33n3y3z replied:
Stayfree makes a ultra thin with wings those are great and work the best IMO

amberlynnie replied: I preferred the ones from the Hospital as well... just get friendly with a nurse, and ask for an extra bag, they will give them to you. I took spares home both times so far, from different hospitals...they want to make you happy, they will give them to you! good luck with all! biggrin.gif

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