Just thought I'd pop in here
sailorwife5704 wrote: and say hello to you all. I posted in the newbie section. I just foudn this board last night but didn't have the chance to post. Just hoping to make some friends and have a place to go just to chat. TTYL ~Kristina~
JP&KJMOM replied: This is a really great place and you will love it!
Kalyne's mom replied: I just found this sight yesterday also, and joined for the same reasons.
Crystalina replied: Sailorwife5704 and Kalyne's mom....
PrairieMom replied:
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Welcome, I hope you like it here. Please don't think it's always this quiet. Weekends are slower than the rest of the week. We all seem to chat more Monday through Friday. I can't wait to get to know you.
ions_momma replied: Welcome!
I hope you like it here! All of the members are really friendly and its a great place to chat!
Momof3inMe replied: Welcome I am sure you will love it here.
jacobsmama replied: I'm Kristi Mother to jacob who is 2 and wife to Loren. Nice to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you.
My3LilMonkeys replied: Welcome!!
AlexsPajamaMama replied: Welcome to the board! I am Michelle, Mommy to Alex who is 2 and Wife to Greg
Can't wait to get to know you, It's alot of fun here!
ashtonsmama replied: I said hi in the other forum, but you're right to come in here and intro yourself...this is where most of the action is! Welcome again! And welcome too to Kalyne's mom!