Isn't she just treated so badly?
coasterqueen wrote: I took these two pics of Kylie the other night when I made her sit in her room because she was not listening to me. She looks like she's being mistreated doesn't she?
(BTW, the stuff in her hair is stickers. I guess she thought that's where they go. )
coasterqueen replied: Last one.
MomToMany replied: Oh, the torture!! Poor girl!
kit_kats_mom replied: LOL! she sure is spunky
kimberley replied: ROFL!!! LOL! how cute is that?!?! omg, how do we ever stay mad at our little trouble makers with cute faces like that?
redchief replied: She looks downright pissed... And cute as all get out!
Kaitlin'smom replied: kinda reminds me of kaitlin...the facial expression...its so hard to stay mad when they can look so cute when they are being bad
MommyToAshley replied: OMG!! What a cute pout face! How could you keep from laughing or hugging her with a face like that!
5littleladies replied: Oh my goodness!!!! That is so cute! I always have the hardest time not laughing at my kids when they get mad! How can you stay mad at a face like that??
aspenblue1 replied: What a cute face.
Kirstenmumof3 replied: Awwww what a sweetheart! She does look pissed! Poor Girl, she has it so rought eh!
JenniferAllen replied: what a cutie patootie (sp?)
lsjulee replied: Awww she looked more cute when she pout. She not giving in, wasnt she?
Josie83 replied: She's so cute, and she looks so angry! You're going to have fun with her when she's a teenager! xx