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Is this an unsafe idea?

mysweetpeasWil&Wes wrote: It seems that every time I put the boys down for a nap, someone rings the doorbell! So the dog starts barking and then naptime is OVER! growl.gif It happens at least every other day or more! What is it about that time??? Anyhow, would it be a bad idea to hang a sign on the door saying "babies sleeping, please come back later"? I would say to knock, but that would make my dog bark too. But I'm wondering if it's unsafe to sorta advertise that you have kids in the house these days...what do you think? Anyone do this?

booey2 replied: I would put a note up, maybe not say specifically why just that you are unavailable now and to return at a set time. I know many famillies that did this when they had newborns and sleeping was at a minimum.


A&A'smommy replied: I think you just need to go with your gut on this one.. I like the idea of just putting a note up saying you are unavailable and to come back later.. that probably sounds like a better idea!! hug.gif

TheOaf66 replied: the most important thing at this time is to make sure you kids get enough sleep, everyone else will have to wait...hang your sign and I agree, don' t put why the should come back later.

Hillbilly Housewife replied: I have kids sleeping in my house between 9:30 -10:30 and between 12:30 and 2:30... and YES, I absolutely use it. As if I want some stranger ringing my doorbell and waking up all the kids... especially if it's something I don't want like COOKIES! lol

There is a fear... but I really don't think a sign is going to give away the fact you have kids any more than the car seats in the car in your parking spot...which in my opinion are a lot more obvious than a small sign next to your doorbell.

kimberley replied: i agree. don't put the reason but do put a sign saying please do not disturb.

gr33n3y3z replied: get a sign they sell them
it says something to the effect that no sales persons allowed

boyohboyohboy replied: i think its a great idea to hang the sign but also i agree with everyone else in todays world it just doesnt seem to be safe to advertise that their are children in the house...

C&K*s Mommie replied: I used to use a sign, not so much anymore. I agree with Rocky, there are tell-tell signs that children are present in the house (i.e. toys in the yard, carseats in the car), hanging a sign saying that children are in the home will not make a difference, IMO.

I would not hang when to return, I would just keep it out there until naps are over or you remember to take it down. That way if you really do not want to be bothered, but the children are up and about you can keep unwanted people at the door from coming over anyhow. emlaugh.gif

lisar replied: I am with everyone else. Put up a sign that says something like Come back later. Dont put that the kids are sleeping.

Boo&BugsMom replied: I use to have a sign that said "KNOCK, do not ring the doorbell". I have daycare kids sleeping and I always have some idiot who comes during that time. I also recently hung a No Soliciting sign on the door! growl.gif Now I have a sign that says "Go To Back Door and KNOCK" because the front door is right where the kids sleep and there is not a door bell button at the back so they are forced to knock.

redchief replied: In the plumbing business I've encountered "Do not disturb" signs, and honored them. It would probably be good to suggest a time to return or ask them to phone you to reschedule appointments.

CantWait replied: I say hang a sign. I agree there are always going to be "signs" that children are present, however if you don't want it to say children etc, just say please do not disturb. It's not rude at all. Actually I wish I would have thought of this when Anthony was a baby because we had the same problem with the dog barking. It was a PITA.

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