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Intex Portable Swimming Pool - Do you have one?

stella6979 wrote: We're looking into getting one of those portable pools that are 15 ft around and 3 ft deep and was wondering if any of you have one and if so, do you like it?

Kaitlin'smom replied: yep we have one for 4 years now I think. Its the 18 foot around and we have 38 inches of water could do 40 if the ground was a bit more leval laugh.gif We love it. We take it down in the fall store it and get it back out in the later spring. You can see a pic of it the thread Dee Dee did with the girls pics.

stella6979 replied: Wow, you've had yours for 4 years? That makes me feel better about it.
I did see the pics and they are adorable. Looks like the kids LOVE that pool. biggrin.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied:
Oh one of those would be so nice! I'd love one for Tanner. I know a couple people who have one and they enjoy it!

stella6979 replied:
My brother and SIL bought one a couple of weeks ago and they love theirs too. We had Avery in it last weekend and she was in heaven. She would have stayed in there all day if we let her. They found theirs for $170.00 and that included the ladder, filter, tarp for underneath the pool and a cover.

Calimama replied: My friend has one, she's had it for a few years now I believe. Hers is like 4 ft deep I think. thumb.gif

Boo&BugsMom replied:
Wow...that's an awesome deal!

stella6979 replied:
And an even great deal if you have gift cards. wink.gif

Calimama replied:
She looks adorable playing in the pool BTW. wub.gif

stella6979 replied:
Awwww.....thank you. I'm hoping the more I water her, the faster her hair will grow. biggrin.gif

Calimama replied:
rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
yep as long as you take it down and store it right it will last. yes ours came with most everything, pool, tarp, latter, cover, pump, one filter. our was a bit more but a little bigger also. Its been great and yes kids LOVE the thing, I do also. I also started after the first year collecting beach towels on clearance and have a ton of them now, we keep a container (with lid of course) outside with them in it. Oh and my DH also found a volleyball net/basket ball thing that is designed for that pool it hooks right on the side.

stella6979 replied:
Well, I think you've officially talked me into it. I love to swim and haven't had a pool since I was about 10, so it'll definately get used. Thanks for the feedback. thumb.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: laugh.gif no problem, does not sound it took to much convincing laugh.gif enjoy it. I woudl also recommend at some point getting a solar cover, it will help heat it faster and keep it warm over night, the cover does not help keep in the heat. They make round ones for them now.

stella6979 replied:
Awesome! I hate when the water is freezing so we'll definately look into one of those. How was the set up? Is it as easy as it says on the box?

Kaitlin'smom replied: laugh.gif yes as long as the ground is leval, other wise no its a PITA, the first year was kinda hard with having to dig out the grass, getting sand and the circus getting it leval (we have a deep end its about 1/4 inch water to 1/2 different, oh well) but once you get it spread out, its pretty heavy so you will probably need help, blow up the top ring, I suggest something to do it for you, put the hose in and start filling. One thing we do is once there is a couple inches one of us will get in and the other on the out side and smooth out the bottem so there are no wrinkles. The just let the water fill it up, it does take several hours, we normally run ours over night and check on it mid way then finsh the next night but it you get the 15ft round it might not take that long.

stella6979 replied:
Oh, do you have to dig out the grass or only if you need to level it?

Farelle replied: We had one and HATED it. It immediately got so dirty with som kind of slippery stuff on the bottom of the pool and no amount of chemicals or scrubbing got it off, so we took it down. Too scary to have with small kids anyway!!

Kaitlin'smom replied:
We were not going to, we thought it was pretty leval but after tring to fill it the first time it was awful, so we dumped it and dug it out. Your pretty much gonna kill the grass under it anyway, just make sure if you dont dip it out there are no sticks, rocks (even little ones) tree roots nothing under there.

stella6979 replied:
Ok, will do. Thanks again!

Kaitlin'smom replied: no problem, just let me know if you have any questions.

jem0622 replied: We got one from Wal-Mart. Love it. The kids are in love with it. We got one with a cover on it, and only filled it to the designated line.

stella6979 replied:
Ok, does it just take chlorine or are there other chemicals that need to be added?

lovemy2 replied: They are great but in NY where I live any pool over 2 feet deep has to be fenced in.....

Kaitlin'smom replied:
we first shocked it then run cloriene tabletts and just check the levals to make sure they are balanced cause if they are not well the one time they were off I got a bad ear infection.

moped replied: Could you show me a pic?

stella6979 replied:
Ok, what does shocked it mean. And will it say in the instructions somewhere what the levels should be?

stella6979 replied:
There is a partial pic in my siggy. biggrin.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
there is a chemical called shock,it basically shocks all the water with chloriene, its much faster than just throwing tablets in. then we have a kit that you get some pool water in and squirt stuff in and read the levals on it, I am not sure what its called but it found with all the pool stuff.

Kaitlin'smom replied:
or look at mine in the post with pics of Ashley and Kaitlin

C&K*s Mommie replied: We have one that was used in Tallahassee at my IL's where we left it, but now it is coming back this weekend. Our girls loved it! Our neighbor has one as well, and it is all the same to the girls-- they love to swim in it.

Here is a pic of our youngest having a pool party back in April with it. In case our girls slipped, and could not recover fast enough we had them wear floaties.

user posted image

Maddie&EthansMom replied: My parents had one and they loved it. They no longer use it b/c they are never home. tongue.gif

They had Ashley pool supplies check their water. They do it free and they tell you what you need to add, etc. wink.gif If you have one nearby it's really a neat deal. I don't think I'd be able to do all that adding/subtracting on my own. blush.gif

boyohboyohboy replied: I think I just saw this on QVC and they were having a great deal on it, maybe check their web site?

Mommy2BAK replied: Oh now I'm wanting one of these! Be sure and let us know how it works out for you!

sparkys2boys replied: We have one here and we LOVE it!!!! THe thing is to make sure you keep it covered when not in use and to keep the chemicals balanced. If you let it get ahead of you it can be a pain in the butt. Other wise its great fun!!

gr33n3y3z replied: we dont have one but I know others that do
they are well worth the money
The only thing I find which could be better are the filters that come with those
The ppl. I know that have them went and bought better ones at a pool supply shop.

coasterqueen replied: We have one just like Di. We are in our second season with ours. Last year (1st season) the pump kept quitting on us. This season when we put the pool up there were 1/2 a dozen pin holes in the pool that we had to patch. No clue on how they got there and we stored the pool correctly. Otherwise the pump is still a piece of you-know-what. We love the pool, we just thought it would last more than one to two seasons. It definitely won't last next season without a new pump and possibly more patchings.

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