Interesting Fact about PC Club forums
amymom wrote:
That was just last week!!! wow I didn't know.
PrairieMom replied: Wow!
hoosier momma replied: I don't remember ever seeing that many of us logged in.
CantWait replied: I noticed the stat also, but didn't notice all the users that day. To bad.
gr33n3y3z replied: I didnt know either
Iluvmyboys replied: I didnt even see that, I dont think I was logged in at that time though
lisar replied: We should set it up to where everyone can be logged in at the same time. See how high we can get the number. That would be cool.
Iluvmyboys replied: exactly what I was thinking That would be really cool
lisar replied: Well we should set it up for one day like in the middle of the day that way everyone on diffrent times zones can be logged in.
amymom replied: Ok Lisa Organize it!!!
It is a great idea though. I hope I can do it.
redchief replied: I didn't notice either. I was thinking of rallying the members in mid-February for a run at the 2006 record, too, but I couldn't make a time commitment myself so I didn't think it would be fair to ask that of others. Way to go PC!
holley79 replied: