I'm in my own private H***
Jackie012007 wrote: Ugh to top everything off, I have a yeast infection and it's very painful. Why does this crap always happen AFTER the OBGYN is closed? I've called but just got the answering service. Anyone know if it is Ok to just go to walmart and get some Monistat? Or should I just wait until the AM?? I didn't know if it was okay to like insert stuff while pregnant... I'm dying here
ashtonsmama replied: I'm sorry you got that Jackie. I know it's painful. I would say it would be ok to use Monistat from the drugstore, maybe go pick it up and see if it says not to take while pregnant or whatnot. JMO.
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Or call up a pharmacist. There are usually some with late hours.
amymom replied: When I was pg with my dd I was able to use Monistat. It was early on in the pg.
mommyX2.5 replied: My Dh is a doc and he let me use the monistat while I was pregnant
MyBlueEyedBabies replied: You can use Monistat...just get the 7 day because the 1 and 3 will burn like crazy when you are pregnant and most likely not be enough to get rid of the infection....I had rotating UTI and yeast infections through my entire pregnancy with Katy.
Cece00 replied: YEP, you will be fine using an OTC yeast infection cream.
You may also want to call & see if they will give you Diflucan.
Jackie012007 replied: EEK! you poor thing!
I called my mom an she's all spazzy and is like WAIT UNTIL YOU CALL TOMORROW and I've been icing my vajayjay so I guess I will just wait... especially since DF went to work already without asking me what I wanted to do... I hope they tell me an OTC is okay because my insurance hasn't kicked in and to get prescription stuff will probably bankrupt me!
Jackie012007 replied: OH MY GOD I love my DF... he brought me home a Monistat kit on his lunch at 2:45 am... man I feel better already!!
thanks for the info ladies!
Cece00 replied: Now THERE is a good man!
mckayleesmom replied: Glad you feel better.
C&K*s Mommie replied: I think (I think I remembered seeing something in a drugstore) there are some homeopathic remedies for yi's. Not sure if they would work or not.
Glad you feel better now! What a great S/O you have!