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I'm due one month from today!! - (and an update on us)

5littleladies wrote: Ok so a month seems like forever but I know it's not. tongue.gif My baby will be here soon!! biggrin.gif

Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA. My only working computer is in the basement and honestly I don't like coming down here if I don't have to so I haven't been online too much lately, and when I do get on I mostly just lurk. Hopefully I can get my laptop working again soon. *sigh*

We've been on the busy side here-trying to get organized before Lissie gets here. My brain and my body are working on 2 different wave-lengths. I desperately want to be cleaning all the time but my big ole' belly and constant exhaustion say "NO!". rolleyes.gif Hubby promised to help me tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. I've also been trying to get myself ready for homeschool which we start in less that 3 weeks. Yikes!! I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to manage a new baby, and homeschool, and Miss Brianna who has turned into the worlds most clingy child. rolleyes.gif I guess we will take everthing as it comes. happy.gif

Miss Lissie is doing great. Filling up mommy's belly QUITE well now. wacko.gif She is head down finally and I'm really hoping she is thinking about coming out before I go crazy, but I'm doing my best to be patient. I guess that's about all for us right now. I'll try and get on here more often-at least to keep everyone updated on my progress. (((HUGS))) I miss you all!!

~Roo'sMama~ replied: Wow only a month! wub.gif I'm so excited ~ I know you are too. happy.gif Here are some ~*~*~*~ Jason Help Jennifer Clean Vibes~*~*~*~ tongue.gif and some ~*~*~Come out Lissie Vibes~*~*~ biggrin.gif

A&A'smommy replied: awww I can't believe how close you are!!! wub.gif wub.gif Have fun getting stuff done tomorrow and here are some ~~~~ come out soon ~~~~~ vibes!! tongue.gif

CantWait replied: Congrats, can't wait to see your soon to be new bundle of joy wub.gif

ediep replied: 1 month!! OMG!!! Where did time go???

5littleladies replied:
Lol!!! rolling_smile.gif I'll let you know if that works Sara-you could be on to something there. tongue.gif

coasterqueen replied: Wow, I can't believe you have just a month left. ohmy.gif I had been wondering where you were at. Keep us posted wink.gif .

~KARA~ replied: She will be here before you know it!! I hope your dh helped you!!

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Hope the last month goes fast for you!!! thumb.gif

MissyKay2005 replied: Sounds like we are both in the same boat biggrin.gif I have about 4 1/2 weeks yet untill the c-section date biggrin.gif And I am so ready for this baby to come Running out of room in there! Are you haveing a hard time sleeping at night?

5littleladies replied:
I've just started to this past week or so. I was silly enough to think I might bypass the discomfort at night and then it kicked in big time-along with a sudden increase in potty trips. wacko.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: One month???? NO way!!! I don't believe it!! ohmy.gif

I'm so glad you checked in. I hope you get some things done before she gets here. I'm sure you will manage school just fine. wink.gif Remember that newborns sleep a lot and your girls are pretty independent so they will do great. biggrin.gif Get some rest, okay? Try not to worry about it. Nothing matters once baby is here. wink.gif wub.gif

I can't wait to see her! wub.gif

mammag replied: Great to hear things are going well and moving along! I can't wait to hear you have your new little one.

angelhair replied: that is wonderful! things will fall into place with your older one when the baby gets here and you will find your own natural rythm. love dee

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