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I'm Back And Still Smoke-free !!!

Bee_Kay wrote: I have been out of town for the past few days (anyone notice? laugh.gif ). I got a phonecall last Wednesday from my best friend and she let me know that her daughter started going into labor (she was 2 days overdue).
She had a beautiful baby girl that she named Taylar Jade wub.gif

Also, I am still smoke-free thumb.gif

Check out my siggy stats!! It's shocking to actually see how it all adds up!!!

Anyways... Hi! I missed you all !!! hug.gif

PrairieMom replied: good for you! keep it up! Is your daughter quitting too?

Jackie012007 replied: yaaaaaaaaay, keep up the good work on the non-smoking thumb.gif ... and congrats on the baby! baby.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: WB & congrats!!! You are doing great! hug.gif

Bee_Kay replied:
Oh heck yeah.... she wasn't what is considered a "regular" smoker. She had one or two here and there. I asked her how many total and she told me about 40 in the past year.
She has been filled with so much guilt (from hiding it from us) that I don't believe (and she has also stated) that she doesn't intent to smoke anymore.

Last night, she went to the Canadian fireworks and she told me that a girl she knows offered her a cigarette and she said "no". thumb.gif

redchief replied: thumb.gif thumb.gif thumb.gif thumb.gif thumb.gif

luvmykids replied: cheerleader.gif cheerleader.gif cheerleader.gif cheerleader.gif YAY BARB! I'm so proud of you!!!

I need to set another quit date and go for it again. Just scared to do it during stressful times wink.gif But you're inspiring me every time I see your quit meter!

btw-If you watch the cheerleaders mouths it looks like they're saying "Go Barb!" rolling_smile.gif

Nina J replied: Congrat's to your friend on her new baby, and to you on remaining smoke free thumb.gif hug.gif

Monica, did you know it takes an average of 6 attempts to quit smoking? Don't give up even if you have a "relapse", I know you can quit too hug.gif

MommyToAshley replied: YAY! Barb, I am so proud of you!!! thumb.gif

garrettsmom replied: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! That is awesome!! It's so tough to quit and i'm very proud of you!! Such a big step.!! woohoo.gif woohoo.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: WTG Barb!! I'm so proud of you!!:clap:
Congrats on the new baby! wub.gif

BAC'sMom replied: WTG Barb thumb.gif
and welcome back! wavey.gif

Halo42101 replied: Sorry this is a little late but congrats. on being smoke-free, Barb! That's wonderful and congrats. also to your friend's daughter & her baby. thumb.gif

mammag replied: Way to go Barb!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up!

KingMom replied: Way to go! Good work getting your daughter on board wink.gif

holley79 replied: thumb.gif Good on you Barb. I love the name of the new baby.gif You will have to get us some pictures. You know how we love baby.gif

PrairieMom replied:
a week and a half and you already saved $70?! wow! good for you! what are you going to do with all your new found $?

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