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IUDs - Who's got em?

CantWait wrote: Can ya give me the pros and cons?

I'm really not wanting to do the pill, Depo is so outta the question as I gained a ton of weight on it.

I've heard lots of cons in the past, but I'm assuming the IUD has come along way.
Have you had any problems? Gained weight? Anything else.

My3LilMonkeys replied: I wanted one....but after a month of repeated attempts, my insurance co. never called my Dr's office back to tell them if it was covered. growl.gif If I see a lot of good reviews here, maybe I'll push for the Dr to try again.

maestra replied: I have one. I have the mirena. It's my second, I had one put in after Jaci, then to it out to get pg with Giselle. I have another one now, and I'll be having it out at my next yearly visit in Feb (we're ready for another one rolling_smile.gif ). The only side effect I have noticed is a decreased libido, but that could also have to do with having two kids, a job, and trying to work on my master's degree! I had no trouble getting pregnant after I had the first one out, and the cords have never bothered dh. This time, I don't even get af, but with the last one I got a very light spot every two months. Hope that helps!

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: I have the copper 10. It's totally non-hormonal so I've not gained any weight and my sex drive is as healthy as ever. The first few times I had AF after I had it inserted was pretty rough (really bad cramps), but it's since calmed down to where it was before. I really like it and will probably do it again when I need to have it removed. But it's good for 10 years.

My2Beauties replied: I'm on the pill and was actually wanting to look into other BC options. I've heard really bad things about the IUD though. I heard it increases your risk of cervical cancer greatly and my doctor as well as my cousin's doctor (she asked about it too) said it's a very painful procedure to have put in. My cousin told me that her doctor said he's had women pass out before in his office because it was so painful. Scared me to death. Then I had another girl tell me it felt like a little pinch and it was in, she has the copper one too and she likes it. So I'm on the fence. Anyone heard about any of the side effects? Cervical cancer issue?

MyBrownEyedBoy replied:
Okay, my midwife said that most of the time insertion isn't too bad. Unfortunately my cervix has a slight tilt so she had to do a bit more manuevering for mine. That said, it honestly was NOT bad. I felt a pinch and some tugging (very odd feeling) then I cramped a bit that day. Nothing major, I've had worse during a bad AF. Your cousin's doctor must have some wimps for patients. I can't imagine it making me pass out. Of course, I had it done 6 weeks post partum and there was no way it was that bad.

maestra replied: Mine didn't hurt at all- just a little pinch, and that's it. After having a baby, I didn't really notice it much.

My2Beauties replied:
So what about the cervical cancer issue - doesn't it increase your risk?

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: I can't say about the Mirena IUD, but here's an article I read when I was researching the Copper 10 IUD. Of course, since you've had problems with hormonal BC methods, Lee Ann, you would not want the Mirena. Here's a link to the article.

Copper 10 IUD and cancer risks

AlexsPajamaMama replied: I had the Mirena IUD for 3 and a half years with no problems at all. There are cons as with any other birth control but I did not have any issues.
Having it inserted was not painful for me, neither was having it removed. There is a moment of cramping/discomfort but that is it.
Everyones experience is differant too I guess

natersmommy replied: i just had my first baby an i am curious of the safer options of birth control...i was pretty much only recommended to pill but what other options have good reviews? with a IUD you still get monthly visits from the red dragon right? i want what is safest but i also want what is most anyone have any suggestions?

AlexsPajamaMama replied:
Before I got pregnant I had really bad af cramps and heavy bleeding
With the IUD I had very little period at all, some light spotting, but nothing regular at all.

MyBrownEyedBoy replied:
Michelle, you had the Mirena one, right? Just keeping it straight. Because my IUD is non-hormonal and I know the Mirena does have hormones.

My2Beauties replied:
That was really helpful. You guys may have actually changed my mind a bit about this thing now. I might be calling my gyno soon to discuss some possibilities. That's if DH chickens out and doesn't get the big "V!"

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