I GOT IT - The job
CantWait wrote: I got the temp position. It's a Medical Ad/Asst for one doctor. I work 6 hours two days a week, and 3 and a half hours one day a week. It's only for a month, but it will give some experience. I start September 1, the day Robbie goes back to school.
mckayleesmom replied: Thats awsome...Not to get your hopes up or anything, but alot of those temp jobs turn permanent sometimes.
MM'sMama replied: That is so wonderful big congrats I hope you love it
kimberley replied: congrats!!!
ammommy replied: Congrats!
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Temping is how I got my 6 or so year stint in the government....
kit_kats_mom replied: That's very true. All of the temp jobs I've worked have been offered as permanant postions to me if I'd wanted them.
amymom replied: good for you!!
gr33n3y3z replied: I'm so happy for you WTG!!!!!
A&A'smommy replied: That is AWESOME, Marie!!!
3xsthefun replied: Congrats!
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: CONGRATULATIONS!!! good luck with the new position. Hope it works out for you.
MissyKay2005 replied: Congratulations!!!!! That is good news!
chloe&tysmommy replied: Congratulations!!!!!! That's great news!!!
Boys r us replied: Rock on!!! Girl that is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sarah&Mackenzie replied: WTG
ediep replied: Congratulations!!!
TLCDad replied: WTG! Congratulations!
amynicole21 replied: Congratulations! That's great!
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Congrats! That sounds like a great job - with nice hours!