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How many computer do you have?

gr33n3y3z wrote: We have 2 not including my boys computers

1lilpeanut2love replied: 1!! That is all we really need anyways. My SO hardly ever gets on the computer, he barely knows how to use it anyways!!! LOL. emlaugh.gif rolling_smile.gif

Mom2BNTN replied: Just 1 computer in our household, but that may change once Dylan gets in school and learns how to operate a computer. tongue.gif

kayla's mama replied: We have just one and with baseball season upon us I think we need 2. Jason can camp out looking at baseball stats all much fun is that rolleyes.gif

3_call_me_mama replied: Dh has a laptop, I have a laptop we have 2 house computers, a server and a spare laptop. The kids each have their own computer. The ONLY reason we have so many is that Dennis works in teh computer business and built the kids each one and work bought his laptop and mine is from his old job. Otherwise we'd have just 2. One for his work adn one for teh house.

MyLuvBugs replied: Laptop, Dell XPS, Dell OptiPlex and another Dell 4. rolleyes.gif My hubby is a computer freak what can I say. smile.gif

kit_kats_mom replied: um, my 2 desktops (one personal & one for work.
1 server
dh's desktop
the desktop in the playroom for the kids
my laptop
dh's laptop
our media center tv which is a pc
my hp ipac handheld pc
K's handheld axim pc

I think thats all rolling_smile.gif so 10

of course that doesnt count the computer operated devices like the microwave, voip phone system, alarm system etc sad.gif

soooo I win banana.gif

kimberley replied: rolling_smile.gif Cary! you are funny!

we only have 1 PC atm. hopefully we will get a laptop by the end of the year.

gr33n3y3z replied: lol Cary your to funny
I hope to have a lap top when tax monies come back bc the other lap top is a done deal plus to many buttons are missing from it or wont work LOL
But now I'm sharing with the 2 girls not fun blush.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: Just 1.

~Roo'sMama~ replied: We have our desktop and an old laptop. Both were Dh's before we got married.

MyBlueEyedBabies replied: we have 2 desktops, 2 laptops (though one is finicky and will decide when it wants to be on tongue.gif) 2 replay TV's so they both have hard drives and are networked in w/ the rest of the house. 1 storage computer in the basement, and dh has a PDA so I believe that's 8...I only really count 4 though.

MiniMomy replied: I have a laptop and so does dh, so 2.

CosmetologyMommy replied: only 1 but thinking about getting a laptop

jcc64 replied: 4- 2 Macs and 2 Dells

AlexsPajamaMama replied: 2 - Both DH built...he is a computer geek! wub.gif wub.gif

PrairieMom replied: 2 one for home and his laptop that is for "work" but he uses it here, and we payed for it.

Brias3 replied: We have three PC's right now (althought one is not in use as its kind of old)- our main computer and then the kids computer. My DH also has a laptop which he usually has with him so its never technically "here".

coasterqueen replied: Dh and I both have our own laptops then we also have a desktop. So 3.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: ohmy.gif Wow, some of you have so many! Do they all get used? We have 1 desktop. DH has a laptop, but it's paid for by work, so I didn't count it.

MM'sMama replied: DH has a laptop he uses for both work and play. rolleyes.gif And I have a desktop so 2.

ilovemybaby replied: We have 2... our computer and Pauls laptop. It was given to him for free. It was really old and needed a new battery and it wasn't working well and the couple that gave it to us didn't want to spend any money on it so they just gave it to us and bought a new one.

Nina J replied: We have 3, including DH'S laptop.

ashtonsmama replied: Ryan has a laptop for his work, and we share this computer at home...but he mostly uses his, and I use this one.

crazymum replied: 2 i have a laptop and steven has a computer

MommyToAshley replied: You really don't want to know. laugh.gif

MamaJAM replied: We have:
1 laptop for DH for work
1 table-top for DH for work (used as a server)
1 laptop for me biggrin.gif (just for me)
1 table-top that the kids all share

There are also enough parts to put together another 2 or 3 computers down in the basement -- but there's no space or use for more at this point.

Kaitlin'smom replied: mine, DH's, laptop, x-box 360, snap server, 2 other mod x-boxes =7 I think thats it. plus some spare parts. KAit shoudl be getting her own soon, so I can have mine back laugh.gif

3_call_me_mama replied: I forgot about those littel handheld computer. We have an Axim, 2 palm pilots that the kids have inherited but they still could be used by a regular person LOL and Dh has a (not sure what it's called ) it's a pocket pc and phone in one... with teh gps and all that. Wow between all of us on this board we really kepe the computer industry alive huh??!!

BAC'sMom replied: Only one.

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