Ever go to GYN appt while on AF?
amynicole21 wrote: AF started early today, and I have a GYN appointment Thursday. This doctor is very busy, and I had to make the appointment over 2 months ago. Do I need to cancel the appointment? I'm pretty grossed out by the prospect of getting examined while on AF, but I'll do what I have to do. AF should be pretty light by Thursday anyway. What do you think?
PrairieMom replied: I have heard that they prefer that you be about 1/2 way through your cycle so they can get a good specimine. Maybe you can call them and they can fit you in in a couple weeks? I would at least call and tell them your situation so you don't get there and find out they can't do anything.
boyohboyohboy replied: My OB/GYN would make me cancel if that were the case, I would definately call before you waste your time.
booey2 replied: Definitely call and see what they say. I had to go in once and the doc said it didn't matter to him (yes a him) and I think it was a follow-up after one of the boys so I was definitely still having discharge from birth. Each doc is different.
AlexsPajamaMama replied: Yup mine would too
I'd call them
coasterqueen replied: Mine always did the exam anyways.
MissyKay2005 replied: Mine always did it anyway as well but I guess they are all different.
kit_kats_mom replied: mine cancelled my appointment and made me reschedule.
luvmykids replied: Same here.
jcc64 replied: Well, it wasn't AF, but it was right smack in the middle of a m/c, which is even grosser, imo, and it was a he- and it didn't seem to faze him. If a dr can't handle a little blood, what good is he/she?
redchief replied: Lisa had an ectopic pregnancy and all the blood that goes with a ruptured fallopian tube, and it didn't bother the OB... But I know he doesn't want to see her in the middle of AF.
MomToJade&Jordan replied: I think I was right at the end of one once and had to cancel because my doc wouldn't do it. I think it has to do with the specimen. Hard to get while you're still bleeding.
Brias3 replied: I was also always rescheduled. However, there has only been one time that I had the problem- I usually scheduled around them and was lucky about having few "surprises".
amynicole21 replied: I called and them made me reschedule. Then next first available is mid-August
Jeffs Wife replied: I have had some Dr.'s say they cannot do the exam during that time of the month, but then I went to another Dr. who did. I would have prefered she had waited as it was very embarrassing. I would call and let them know what is going on and let them decide if it needs to be rescheduled or not.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Aww that really sucks - that's what I hate about doctors. They're so busy all the time it's too hard to make an appointment!
Are you going to end up with AF again in mid august though since it's the middle of july now? If it's not a really important visit you might want to make it for a week or two later.
amynicole21 replied: Ugh... I sure hope not.