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Does anyone else hate doing this.... - I dread it

CAMSMOM1 wrote: I dread going grocery shopping!!! dry.gif I always try to put it off, until we're down to nothing in the frig.

I finally went today, when Cam was napping since Justin was home. It took me 2 hours to get my groceries! Everyone and their Mama was there, it was raining, the lines were long, no one would move their shopping carts out of the way...they think they own the isle or something!! My shopping cart was kinda in the way of someone, so I quickly moved it close to me. And the lady says, "Why thank you sweetheart! At least someone around here has manners!" I told her, "I feel the same way. Why don't people move their carts?" So I had this vent fest with a stranger. blush.gif emlaugh.gif I guess she was feeling the same way I was. emlaugh.gif

I shop at a place where you have to bag your own groceries, it's cheaper that way. But it takes so much time, and when I finally left the store, I had a headache and was pooped out! Thank goodness Justin unloaded the bags at home, and put them away. I was ready to put my feet up & relax. snooze.gif

Does anyone else hate grocery shopping?? wacko.gif

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Oh, most assuredly yes. I whole heartedly hate it.

MamaJAM replied: I'm not a fan of grocery shopping...but if I don't get my big order once per week I'd drown when I did go. I usually try to go when I don't have any of the kids (at night when DH is home)....during the day it's often too crowded (I go after 8pm and it's not too bad).
Around here it is no cheaper or more expensive to bag your own groceries. I actually prefer the lanes where I bag for myself - I can put similar stuff in bags together and then it's faster to put them away once I get home. I'm also a heck of a lot faster than any of the baggers our store has.

Anyway -- sorry you had to deal with a bunch of rude people at the just makes shopping that much more annoying.

kit_kats_mom replied: It's not too bad now that K is a little older. When she was a toddler, she refused to sit in a cart and that was just a big pain.

Now I usually go in the morning when it's not too busy and my DH takes the girls about twice a week to pick up whatever we run out of, milk, bread etc. That helps.

ediep replied: I am not a huge fan, but I try to go to a store that isn't too crowded and I try to go mid morning or mid afternoon which are sort of the "down times". I always have to bring Jason, so that adds a bit of stress. I always bring a list and have my coupons sorted before I go, so that I can get in and out quickly. If I have a huge list, I try to rewrite it in aisle order so I don't forget things as I go down the aisles

C&K*s Mommie replied: I do not mind doing it. But Chris mostly does the BIG shopping, only because I tend to buy any & everything, but nothing as far as food. KWIM? He buys the food that goes in the freezer for cooking, I tended to buy the food that is easy to cook. I am getting a little better now that I am cooking a little more. But I prefer that he does the BIG shopping anyhow.

luvmykids replied:
rolling_smile.gif You sound just like my dad! My mom sends him for hamburger meat and tomatos and he comes home with 5 bags of nothing to eat!

I HATE going when I have to take the kids with me, but don't mind it too much if I can go by myself. I do hate the putting away part though.

gr33n3y3z replied: I hate any form of shopping blush.gif

PrairieMom replied: I usually go on tuesday mornings at 10:30, its a lot slower then. I WILL NOT go after 3 for any reason. laugh.gif all the crazies get off work at that time and things get nuts! laugh.gif We are so out of food right now that I actually have to go this morning. dry.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: oh, and I hate, hate, hate it when people take the entire aisle up with their stupid carts!!! growl.gif I find that men are the worst with it, but women are pretty bad too. And when I shop by myself I park my cart on a different aisle if the aisle I want to go to if loaded with shoppers. Usually it is the narrow canned food aisle at Walmart that is the worst. If the kiddos are with me, I will grab them and take them with me, or I will park a few feet away and walk to my destination (only if it is not super busy, and not on a crowded aisle). I seldom park my cart right in front of the place I am looking, it seems to be in the way when other people do this, and I hate that!

Sorry that is my gripe for the day! blush.gif

3xsthefun replied: I don't mind to bad. I have been usually going in the mornings.

I like go in the evenings by myself sometimes if I can get DH watch the kids.

I just hate going between 4-6 pm because traffic is so crazy. People are getting off of work and stuff, and seems like everyone is heading for the stores.

holley79 replied: I HATE shopping period. It never fails that when I go they are takin up every isle that I need to go down also. I usually wait till DH is home with Annika then go so I can leave the cart at the end of the isle, walk down, get my stuff and dump it in the cart.

Kaitlin'smom replied: wavey.gif OH ME BIG TIME

DH said to me the other day after I came home from the grocery and was complaing, 'so this is why you love Schawans so much' umm YEA I order it and it gets delevered, just to bad I can get everyting there, but I do get tons of good food.

coasterqueen replied: I do sometimes. I had to get used to doing the shopping with the girls alone when Dh was in Louisiana so it doesn't bother me too much. I try to have things with me that will keep the 2 of them preoccupied and have my ducks in a row regarding my list by aisle order.

I actually enjoy grocery shopping just with DH, though. We've been going on our lunch hours so we don't have to do it on weekends when we want to spend time with the girls. So it takes us about 2 days of our lunch hours, but it's worth it.

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Actually I like grocry shopping... and I like doing it with DH and the kids. We don't really have a problem with the kids staying seated in the cart...they like to help us "find" things and put things in the cart, if we do let them out.

People do tend to let us go by, before them, maybe it's becaues twe have the 3 kdis and they're afraid the kids wil start wailing if they don't let us get outta there ASAP... dunno.gif

It usually takes us an hour, or an hour and a half - and we just go down every aisle, we take our time... and we have to bag our own groceries - that drives me nuts though. I am organized.. I put all my stuff in the cart by other similar stuff... like bozes together, cans together, meat, fruits and veggies, dairy etc etc... I don't just put everything in the cart. Then When I take everything out of the cart to put on the rolling thingy to pay, I put everything together to bag easier... Sorry - I like following the bag boy rules. rolling_smile.gif but the stupid cashier ALWAYS flubbs up my stuff and just kinda slides it down the way insdtead of keeping it together. I always have to re-organize stuff. Drives me NUTS.

But we do like the time together, and we take the opportunity to show the kids what kind of food we like to buy, and why...

CAMSMOM1 replied: At least I'm not alone in this grocery battle! emlaugh.gif I always go at night, when Cam is sleeping. But yesterday I decided to go when he was taking his nap. I figured, no one will be there in the RAIN on a Sunday afternoon. Boy was I wrong! I'm glad I got it over with now...but in another week, I have to go and fight people with thier carts in the way! rolleyes.gif I wish I could just have the stuff delivered to my house, how nice would that be! happy.gif

CosmetologyMommy replied: yes i dread it! I try to buy in bulk so I only have to go every 2 weeks!

Crystalina replied: I don't mind going with DH and the kids but we spend so much money when we're all together. The kids are throwing things in the cart, and believe it or not my husband is worse then the kids when it comes to that. He's throwing hunting stuff, car stuff anything that he stops and looks at for more then a minute. Last week he started putting bathroom towels and a bathroom rug in and I asked him why he was doing that and he said, "I think we need more towels because all we have is that white one." I couldn't believe it. All my towels are white and he thinks we've all been using the same towel! I wonder how long he's thought this. rolling_smile.gif I'm going to have to get differant colors and then mabe he'll realize we have more then one towel. Or he can just open the closet and look!
Anyway, when I go by myself I spend much less and have the time to get what I need and nothing else. No matter what though, I can walk into Wal-Mart in a good mood and by the time I leave I'm ready to spit nails. People are soooo rude. You would think that the older people would have better manners. The old ones are the ones that I have the problem with. They will chit-chat right in the middle of cart traffic. And I'm sorry, I know there are some people that need to use the electric wheelchair carts but some people that use them think that they can park the dang thing however they want in an isle or come right towards you in the middle of an isle and not move in the least bit. They get on those things and expect you to just move. Don't get me wrong I have no problem moving for them but some don't even try to get over and they don't slow down they just want to plow thrue like your a bowling pin.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I would be venting also. happy.gif I feel better.

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Call me crazy, but I actually like it. blush.gif Somehow it's rewarding to me when I have food in my fridge and something ready to make for dinner. I'm a total organizing freak, so getting the grocery shopping done makes me feel that a task is complete and that things are in control, if you kwim? The only time I hate going is if I have forgotten something and have to go back, or it's super cold outside, or I'm overly exhausted and I run into rude people like you mentioned. Or Wil is cranky while we're in the store. Then I'm not so happy about it!

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