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Could it be a girl??

mysweetpeasWil&Wes wrote: I never really believed in the old wive's tales, but I'm having pretty bad MS right now. More than I ever had with Wil, which is a lot because I had MS with him maybe twice my whole PG. Could this be a sign that I'm having a girl? baby.gif


You know I would love whatever it is and I only want it to be healthy, but pray for me, k? blush.gif

sunshine girls replied: I generally felt the same with all my pregnancys and I had all girls, if you get what I mean. Does this one feel different? I had morning sickness with all my girls, except with Navi it wasn't as bad.

I never really believed the old wives tales either, but James always did this thing when we found out we were pregnant. We got my wedding ring and tied it to a piece of string, then I lay down and he hold it above my stomach. If it spins in a circle your supposed to be having a girl, if it spins back and forth your supposed to have a boy. We've done it everytime I've been pregnant and it always spun in a circle, and I had 3 girls.

I'll be praying for you smile.gif hug.gif

James was reading your post over my shoulder and says congrats on your pregnancy, and he told me to tell you it would be really cool if you had a daughter and named her Wilma. dry.gif

Abbysmom replied: I have always heard that you tend to have more morning sickness with a girl. I had it HORRIBLE with my first, and she was a girl. This time, I have had it, but not as bad, so I was wondering if this one was a boy. Don't know if any of it is true, but it does seem to be true with everyone's stories.

MomToMany replied: I don't know about that old wives' tale. Through 5 pregnancies, I had NO morning sickness. I have 3 boys and 2 girls.

Kaitlin'smom replied: I had a girl and NO morning sickness cousre I found out late in PG also, but I think if your PG is different than the first it can be cause its the oppiste sex but not always the case. hope your MS does not last long

luvbug00 replied: I Had MS BAD with Mya It was always on schdule too..

HAAAA rolling_smile.gif

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Well I had horrible morning sickeness with Mackenzie!!! But they say every pg is different. I really hope when we have our 2nd baby I don't get that sick again. It sucks to be throwing up at work!! smile.gif I really hope it doesn't last long for you!!

coasterqueen replied: IMO you can just never tell by the signs. Some do and they end up right though wink.gif so you never know. love2.gif

I barely had MS with Kylie and I had horrible MS with Megan.

mckayleesmom replied: I thought I was on my death bed with Mckaylee and I was 4 months pregant with Russell when I found out.....if that says anything.

moped replied: I have had 2 pregnancies and I was sick with both so I really don't know........................I hope you have a girl!

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
rolling_smile.gif I want Evelyn so I can call her Evie or Eva, but DH doesn't like it. mad.gif

My sister has three girls and all her PGs were the same, all with MS. So I think it can be true if one PG is completely different from the next, but one can never tell for sure. I haven't tried the ring thing! I'm totally finding out the sex though at 20 weeks!! I guess I'm not that's like having a Christmas present in front of you for 9 months and not being able to open it!!

chloe&tysmommy replied: I have one of each and both of my pregnancies were completely different smile.gif I had horrible MS with Chloe and nothing with Tyler....but everyone's different happy.gif

can't wait to hear what your having happy.gif

six_kids_at_28 replied: blush.gif I hate to burst your bubble but I only had bad MS for my first child...a boy...But I will keep you in my thoughts smile.gif

My2Beauties replied: I always heard the opposite, I heard you get MS with boys unsure.gif I had no MS and had a girl, all my friends who have both said they had MS with their boys and no MS with their girls - but every PG is different if you ask me!

~KARA~ replied: With my girls I had no morninng sickness and with my son it hit before I even too the hpt and lasted well past week 20!!

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