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Christmas Pictures

~Roo'sMama~ wrote: My husband, who wants to be a photographer but thinks he doesn't take good enough pictures, took these pics of Andrew and Alison to give to our parents for Christmas. I just had to share them because I love how they turned out! wub.gif

Andrew: wub.gif
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Alison: wub.gif
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Andrew and Allie together wub.gif wub.gif
user posted image

Alison was amazingly cooperative. I thought she'd be impossible, but she just sat and smiled, while Andrew was running around and refusing to do anything we wanted him to. rolleyes.gif Exactly the opposite of the way I thought it would go, but it worked out ok. tongue.gif The only thing he was willing to do was hold Allie ~ it was so sweet. When we got done taking the pictures of them together he sat back down on the floor and wanted to hold her again. wub.gif wub.gif

holley79 replied: wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

He did very good and you can tell him I said that. Was he able to get Alison to do all that smiliing?? he should be a child's photographer!

Danalana replied: Gosh, they're getting so big ohmy.gif
I love the pictures...adorable!

MommyToAshley replied: He did a GREAT job!

I especially love the last one with the two of them together! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
Thanks! I will tell him you said so. happy.gif It was really easy to get Allie to smile - it always is. wub.gif I stood behind him and smiled and talked to her to get her to smile. wink.gif smile.gif

holley79 replied:
Well then sounds like it should be a family business. happy.gif Annika is a ham but there is only one person I will take her to for pro pictures because she responds to well to her.

Cece00 replied: Very cute pics! I love the one of them together.

Calimama replied: He did an awesome job!!!!! Your kids always look so happy! wub.gif

MoonMama replied: They are GREAT he did a wonderful job! thumb.gif wub.gif wub.gif LOVE the one of the two of them together. love2.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
Thanks! smile.gif They are both really good at smiling for the camera - I'm lucky. tongue.gif I think they're pretty happy too, so that makes me feel good.wub.gif

Thanks everyone for the compliments! hug.gif

CantWait replied: WOW I can't believe how BIG they've gotten. TFS wub.gif wub.gif

boyohboyohboy replied: he did a great job! they are much better then the ones i paid for! i think you should show him what we all wrote and tell him that its not just you who thinks this is a great job..but all of us

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Sara Sara they are SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Scott did an awesome job. I can't get over how big the kids are! You make beautiful babies. wub.gif wub.gif

mom21kid2dogs replied: wub.gif They turned out great!!! wub.gif The grandparents are going to love those!!!

FWIW, we took Olivia to a professional photographer at 2 thinking that would be a great age~Holy Cow what a disaster. The photographer got great pics but I have no idea how! Your husband shows great promise!!! thumb.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: OMG they are just the sweetest pictues, and gorgeous kids! Good job to your DH! wub.gif

lovemy2 replied: Oh my they are beautiful - how big they have gotten - your DH did a great job with those pics wub.gif

HuskerMom replied: Those are nice pictures!

Kentuckychick replied: Aww, they are absolute dolls!
I LOVE her dress wub.gif

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