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Anne, how is Cam today? - His head.

Insanemomof3 wrote: How is he? Feeling ok? And how are YOU doing? I hope everything is ok. I was just thinking about you. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

CAMSMOM1 replied: Denise~ Thank you so much for thinking about us! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif He is just waking up. (It's only 9:15) But I'm doing much better today. happy.gif The 3 of us had a great night together. We hung out, ate some pizza, and cuddled on the couch. Cameron wanted to sit right next to me. And of course, I didn't want to let him out of my sight. I found myself following him everywhere last night, tring to make sure he wouldn't get hurt again. blush.gif Justin was really supportive yesterday, I'm glad he was there for me, going to the doctors and such. It just made us appreciate how blessed we are, that everything turned out ok. Of course I gave Justin a big lecture about speeding! wink.gif
Cameron didn't complain at all about his head last night. Only a few times did he tell me it hurt, but he didn't cry. But he kept trying to feel his staples, and rub them on the couch. It's hard to get him not to touch them, like the doctor said.
I was just so impressed with how well Cameron handled eveything yesterday, he's such a tough little guy. wub.gif Even though I didn't cry in front of him, I was still a bundle of nerves. But I feel much better today. I know that toddlers are bound to get hurt, but it was still hard seeing my little man's head like that. I'm just so thankful that God was looking out for our family yesterday, things could've been much worse.
And I wanted to thank you all for your support. I really needed it, and it really comforted me. wub.gif I'll keep you guys posted on how he does today.

Thanks a bunch! grouphug.gif

Ann sunflower.gif

moped replied: Glad he is doing good today!!!!!!!

You need pics for his album of his head - he will think it is pretty cool in a few years

CAMSMOM1 replied:

I know, I was thinking the same thing! happy.gif I was going to take pictures today. His hair is so long, that it covers it up. But hopefully I can get a good picture. I'm sure when he's older he'll want to see his first battle wound. And what he put his Mom & Dad through! rolleyes.gif

moped replied: Yep - I take pics of everything.............he will like it and tell everyone the story!!!! The first of many wounds, hopefully not all involving staples!!!!!!

You did well Anne.....................pretty than I would have, I am a FREAK

luvmykids replied: thumb.gif Glad you're all OK! Head wounds are NO fun!!!!

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Glad that he is doing o.k.!!!

Insanemomof3 replied: Glad you are BOTH doing better!!! thumb.gif I was worried about ya. hug.gif

redchief replied: I'm glad things are better today. I'm also glad you're not beating yourself up about it so much anymore. Kids go boom all the time. It's how we get all those wonderful gray hairs that we'll cover with hair dye later in life. Take care, both of you. smile.gif

CAMSMOM1 replied:

Thanks!!! wub.gif Yesterday when it was all said and done, and I put Cam to bed, I just let out all those emotions and jitters. It shook me up quite a bit, but I never showed it to Cameron. But I was glad you guys allowed me to let it all out yesterday, after a good cry, I realized how blessed we are that everything turned out ok. wub.gif

Like you said Ed, I'm sure there will be many other bumps & bruises along the way, especially how active Cam is. rolleyes.gif But I am going to install that fireplace cover ASAP. You can never be to careful. wink.gif

He's back to his usual self again today. Running and playing around. He tried bouncing on the couch, it almost gave me a heart attack! blush.gif

Thanks for the support you guys are the best! bigtup.gif

ions_momma replied: Im glad to hear that he is doing ok! He is such a tough little guy! I remember when my nephew fell off the couch and hit the corner of the coffee table and had to get three staples in his head!! Not fun at all!! I think its always worse for the parents than the kids though!

C&K*s Mommie replied: So glad he is back to his self after all. smile.gif And glad to know that you are for the most part back to yourself again. hug.gif

Come here anytime to get whatever is hurting or ailing you out. It is somewhat therapeutic to type your feelings out, or talking to your friends outside of here. I find that it is faster coming on here, than writing my feelings down is (and there is not chicken-scratch to decipher, only my own babbling), and because you can get a response back it makes it a little easier at times.

Kaitlin'smom replied: glad your both doing well. DH and his family were sooo parinod about our fireplace (DH did the same the your son did as a kid) that I had to buy the UGLY grey guards that line the edge of the fire place.

MyLuvBugs replied: I'm so glad that you, Justin and Cam are all doing good today. I bet you could hardly sleep last night though. smile.gif

I LOVE what Ed (Redchief) said too. I'm sure he'll have worse bumps and bruises later. Just wait until he calls you from college and says he wrecked his car. smile.gif I did that and My mom was just instantly gray haired. lol laugh.gif

MamaJAM replied: Sorry to come in on this so late -- was gone most of the day.

I'm glad things were better today. I hope he heals quickly. hug.gif to you on what you have had to deal with.

Also - about the emotions...I remember when DS#1 got stitches -- I handled everything fine in front of him and let it all out in my bedroom that night.

CAMSMOM1 replied:

Judy, thanks for that. That's exactly how I felt. I knew I need to be strong for him, but when I was alone, it just all came out. But I'm doing so much better. And so is Cam, of course he was doing fine after the staples, it just took me more time to come around. blush.gif

I haven't been able to wash his hair, since the doctor told me not too. It's hard seeing blood still in his hair. But I talked to Krisit (JacobsMom) and I think I'm going to just wash it with some water.

Now my struggle is his tantrums! emlaugh.gif

Thanks again you guys. Like Nicole said, it was so nice being able to write out my feelings, and hear back from you all right away. It really pulled me through. hug.gif

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