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~**Baby Spotlight**~ - Friday July 11th

mummy2girls wrote: Cutie Baby Jaci is in the baby spotlight today....

Proud & Happy parents are Michelle("Maestra") & Henry
Jaci will be 10 months on July 23rd.

Any questions please post here to "maestra"

MommyToAshley replied: We may want to make her babyspotlight next week, they are away on vacation.

mummy2girls replied: OK here ill do someone else....

Beautiful baby Sophia is in the spotlight today....

Happy mom is Amy("amynicole21")

Sophia is 10 months old

Any questions please post here for "amynicole"

jcc64 replied: If I remember correctly, baby Sophia has the same b-day as my Corey. And she's already walking, which is really early. Did you have any early indications that she would walk so soon?

MommyToAshley replied: Does she have a nursery? How is it decorated?

Does she still co-sleep? Does she sleep through the night?

What is your favorite photo of her? Can you post a few?

What is something she does that just makes you laugh?

What kind of music does she like?

amynicole21 replied:
Actually, she has been late on most milestones, so I was sure she wouldn't be walking this early!! She does catch on really quickly once she gets the concept of things, though. As soon as she could get up on all fours she was crawling a mile a minute! By the way, I still haven't seen her take more than 2 steps!! Daycare says she has taken 4+ in a row... I guess she's just tired when we get home at night sad.gif

amynicole21 replied:
She has a nursery, even though we just use it for diaper changes and to store her clothes in rolling_smile.gif It's got little lambs and is beige below the wallpaper boarder and yellow on top.

We still co-sleep, and she wakes up 1 or 2 times a night regularly. A few nights she'll wake up more, but not usually.

She really makes me laugh when she blows raspberries or squeals when you are chasing her. She also started picking up any toy she can find and holding it to her ear like a telephone when we say "who is it?" She starts jabbering away, too, like she's talking to someone! rolling_smile.gif

She really likes House or Techno music for some reason. DH listens to it a lot, and she'll start bouncing up and down. Last weekend she was dancin' to classical, though. Very eclectic!

jcc64 replied: would you classify her as a risk taker, or cautious?

amynicole21 replied: Here are some of my favorite pics...

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

There are more at and

amynicole21 replied:
She's a risk taker, for sure!! But, she is very careful when she is sitting down from a standing position - sort of eases her way to the ground. That is, when she isn't falling on her little butt. rolling_smile.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: stats at birth and now?

amynicole21 replied:
She was 7lbs 10oz and 20" long at birth
Now she is probably around 17.5 lbs and about 29" long.

MommyToAshley replied: I loved the pictures... you added new ones to your website too. I just love her eyes...soo pretty!

What does she do that she is not suppose to do?

What is her favorite food?

Is she Mommy's Girl or Daddy's Girl?

amynicole21 replied:
She loves to pull on the verticle blinds, put the dog's toys in her mouth and bang on daddy's stereo... not good!!

Her favorite food is cheerios, followed closely by mangoes.

She alternates between being a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl. Depends if she wants to play or is sleepy. I am the comforer/nourisher and daddy is the playmate. I guess that's fine with me.

Mommieto2Girls replied: Does Sophia like to watch tv?

Does she have a swing? does she like it?

Do you use a playpen?if so how does she feel about it ?

amynicole21 replied:
She really likes to watch tv - especially anything they play on Noggin. She loves her Baby Einstein DVDs too. We can press play on that and she is good to go for at least the next 30min.

She hates her swing. Luckily, it was a hand me down and we didn't spend any $ on it!

She actually really likes her playpen! Hardly ever fusses when we stick her in there when we have to get something done or go to the bathroom!! It's great!

Mommieto2Girls replied: Does she have a binky?

What kind of diapers and wipes do you use?

What kind of bath toys does Sophia have?

amynicole21 replied:
Sophia loves her binky baby.gif We really need to start weaning her off of it soon! Not looking forward to it, though.

We use Huggies #3 diapers and Pampers wipes.

Sophia has a squirty hippo and shark in the bath, but loves the cup I use to rinse her the best. She tries to drink the bath water all the time. Blech!

supermom replied: bf or bottle fed? Or a combo?

Does she have any pets besides the dog?

Do you live close enough to the coast to get to take her to the beach? If so, have you been yet?

What's her favorite toy?

And m2a is right, she has the most gorgeous eyes! You are going to be beating off the boys really soon.

amynicole21 replied:
I'm still bfeeding, but she does have to have at least one bottle of formula a day (can't keep up!!)

She has Buddha the boston terrier, and Dizzy and Mona Lisa the furry felines as pets wink.gif

We live about 30min from Daytona Beach, but we don't go very often. We did take her once and she had a blast! Mommy doesn't like the sun, though cool.gif I attached a pic smile.gif

She really doesn't have a favorite toy... maybe the empty baby wipe containers? rolling_smile.gif

aspenblue1 replied: How is she with the pets?

amynicole21 replied:
She is pretty gentle with the dog, but hates when he licks her face. He loves her because she drops lots of food wink.gif The cats try to stay as far away from her as possible... but they do that with everyone. happy.gif

MommyToAshley replied: What is her latest accomplishment or milestone?

Does she say any words yet?

amynicole21 replied:
She has just started to take steps, although she really hasn't done more than 2 at a time without falling. She is mastering standing up on her own without pulling up, and every time she does she starts clapping for herself wub.gif

She really doesn't say any words except mama, dada and "boo" which means Buddha, our dog.

~CrazieMama~ replied: Have you taken Sophia around other babies? if so, how is she with them?

amynicole21 replied:
She loves other babies! She is at a daycare all day, and sees lots of kids. The daycare workers tell me that she is now starting to be a little helper. She tries to put pacis back into baby's mouths when they fall out, and likes to push them in the swing. Awww wub.gif

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