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The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar, also know as the Chinese Birth Chart, is base on a legend that is suppose to predict the sex of your unborn child. According to this legend, the Chinese pregnancy calendar was locked away in a tomb nearly one thousand years ago. It is now on display at the Beijing Institute of Science.

To use the Chinese pregnancy chart, you must first find the line that corresponds to the age of the mother at conception. This must be the age at conception and not your current age. Next move along this line to the exact month of conception. If the column is blue, then you are expecting a baby boy. If the column is pink, then you will probably have a baby girl!

This Chinese birth calendar, of course, should simply be used just for fun. But from what parents say, it is correct much more than the 50% average you would expect. I am sure there is simply some sort of math equation that makes it more than 50% accurate. Try it and see if the Chinese pregnancy calendar is correct for you.

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